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Department of Archaeology

Displaying 65 profiles


Head of the Department of Archaeology, Reader in Isotopic Ecology

Black Heritage Research Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Teaching Associate in Heritage Studies

Newton International Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Senior Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Senior Fellow, McDonald Institute of Archaeological Research

Collections Manager of the Duckworth Laboratory at the Level of Curator

Senior Fellow McDonald Institure for Archaeological Research

PhD Student in Archaeology

Disney Professor of Archaeology, Director, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Ottilie Hancock Research Fellow in Archaeology, Girton College

Professor of Conflict Archaeology and Holocaust Heritage, Academic Director in Archaeology (Institute of Continuing Education)

Chief Research Laboratory Technician (Palaeoanthropology Laboratory)

PhD student in Biological Anthropology

PhD Student in Archaeology

Senior Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Senior Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Affiliated Lecturer in Geoarchaeology

PhD Student in Archaeology

Associate Professor

Research Assistant, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

PhD student in Archaeology

Assistant Director of Research

Senior Curator (Archaeology), Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

PhD Student in Archaeology

PhD Student in Archaeology

Associate Professor in Palaeolithic Archaeology

PhD Student in Archaeology

Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

PhD student in Archaeology

Professor of Roman Archaeology

Assistant Professor in Biological Anthropology (Primatology)

Research Assistant, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Professor Marcos Martinón-Torres

Pitt-Rivers Professor of Archaeological Science

Postdoctoral Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

PhD student in Archaeology

Senior Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

PhD Student in Archaeology

PhD Student in Archaeology

Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, The McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Associate Professor in the Evolution of Health, Diet and Disease

PhD Student in Biological Anthropology

Honorary Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Professor of European Prehistory

Wenner-Gren Hunt Postdoctoral Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

PhD Student in Archaeology

PhD student in Biological Anthropology

Walter-Benjamin Hosted Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Senior Research Associate, The McDonald Institute of Archaeological Research

Senior Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

PhD Student in Archaeology

Associate Professor in Heritage and the Politics of the Past

PhD Student in Archaeology

Assistant Professor in Environmental Archaeology

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

PhD Student in Archaeology

PhD Student in Archaeology

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