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First-Year (Part IA) Students in the NST Tripos can take Evolution and Behaviour, which has a Biological Anthropology component.

Part II  Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) students can take a Major in Human Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour or select Biological Anthropology papers as a Minor subject.

Course Organisers: TBC. Contact Dr Guy Jacobs or Dr Sylvain Lemoine for information.

Number of Places: 10+

Allocation Process: 

For NST and Med/Vet students:

Part II Biological and Biomedical Sciences Major in Human Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour guarantees a minimum of 10 places, with priority given based on Part IB marks regardless of whether they are medics, vets or natural scientists. All applicants with a Part IB exam mark of above a mid 2.2 will be guaranteed a place. We expect medics and vets to have all their exemptions.

The same quota and allocation criteria applies for each of the papers 103, 104, and 105 for Human Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour Minor subjects in NST Part II Biological and Biomedical Sciences.

Med/Vet Students:

Students who have completed Part IB in the MedST and VetST also have the option to take Part IIB Biological Anthropology in the Archaeology Tripos.  This option is considered as a ‘single subject’ in the Part II Allocation process.




Major in Human Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour

BBS students with a major in Human Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour will take the following papers:

Minor Subjects in Biological Anthropology

BBS students can take the following Biological Anthropology papers as a Minor subject: