Studying at University of Toronto (Hons. BA) and the Institute of Archaeology, University of London (MA, Later European Prehistory), I’ve dug sites in Britain since the mid ‘70s (e.g. Winchester & Fengate) and spent the 1980s directing excavations for the Museum of London and co-directing Cambridge’s Haddenham Project. Together with Ian Hodder, in 1990 I co-founded the University’s Cambridge Archaeological Unit.
Since 1992 I have been a full member of the Chartered Institute for Field Archaeologists and was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London in 2001. Between 2004 and 2012 I was a member of the directorial board of Antiquity, and since 2008 served on the board of the Bulletin of the History of Archaeology. Between 2015 and 2018 I was a Vice-President of the Prehistoric Society and, In 2018, was elected to the British Academy.
My research interests are wide-ranging, but primarily lie in later European Prehistoric/Roman settlement and landscape archaeology, particularly that of Eastern England and the Fenlands. Aside from widely researching the discipline’s historiography, I have also directed and published overseas projects arising from fieldwork in Inner Mongolia, the Nepalese Himalayas and, currently, the Cape Verde Islands.
Key Publications
Evans, C., S. Lucy and R. Patten 2018. Riversides: Neolithic Barrows, a Beaker Grave, Iron Age and Anglo-Saxon Burials and Settlement at Trumpington, Cambridge. (New Archaeologies of the Cambridge Region Series 2). Cambridge: McDonald Institute Monograph.
Lucy, S. and C. Evans, with R. Jefferies and N. Taylor, 2017. The Romano-British Settlement and Cemeteries at Mucking: Excavations by Margaret and Tom Jones 1965-78. Oxford: Oxbow Books/English Heritage.
Evans, C. and S. Lucy, with G. Appleby, J. Appleby and Matt Brudenell., 2016. Lives in Land - Mucking Excavations by Margaret and Tom Jones, 1965-1978: Prehistory, Context and Summary. Oxford: Oxbow Books/English Heritage.
Evans, C., with J. Tabor and M. Vander Linden, 2016. Twice-crossed River: Prehistoric and Palaeoenvironmental Investigations at Barleycroft Farm/Over, Cambridgeshire (The Archaeology of the Lower Ouse Valley, Volume III). Cambridge: McDonald Institute Monograph.
Evans, C., with G. Appleby, S. Lucy and R. Regan, 2013. Process and History: Romano-British Communities at Colne Fen, Earith (The Archaeology of the Lower Ouse Valley, Vol. II). Cambridge: Cambridge Archaeological Unit.
Evans, C., with M. Brudenell, R. Patten and R. Regan, 2013. Process and History: Prehistoric Communities at Colne Fen, Earith (The Archaeology of the Lower Ouse Valley, Vol. I). Cambridge: Cambridge Archaeological Unit.
Evans, C., with E. Beadsmoore, M. Brudenell and G. Lucas, 2009. Fengate Revisited: Further Fen-edge Excavations, Bronze Age Fieldsystems/Settlement and the Wyman Abbott/Leeds Archives. Cambridge: Cambridge Archaeological Unit/Oxbow Books.
Evans, C., with J. Pettigrew, Y. Tamu and M. Turin, 2009. Grounding Knowledge/Walking Land - Archaeological and Ethno-Historical Researches in Central Nepal. Cambridge: McDonald Institute Monographs.
Evans, C., with D. Mackay and L. Webley, 2008. Borderlands - The Archaeology of the Addenbrooke’s Environs, South Cambridge. (New Archaeologies of the Cambridge Region Series 1) Cambridge/Oxford: Cambridge Archaeological Unit/Oxbow Books.
Murray, T and C. Evans (eds), 2008. Histories of Archaeology: A Reader in the History of Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Evans, C., M. Edmonds and S. Boreham. ‘Total Archaeology’ and model Landscapes: Excavation of the Great Wilbraham Causewayed Enclosure, Cambridgeshire, 1975-76. Proceeding of the Prehistoric Society 72. Awarded the Society’s Baguley prize for 2006.
Evans, C. and I. Hodder. A Woodland Archaeology (Vol. I) and Marshland Communities and Cultural Landscape (Vol. II): The Haddenham Project. Cambridge: McDonald Institute Monographs.
Evans, C, 2003. Power and Island Communities: Excavations of the Wardy Hill Ringwork, Coveney, Ely. East Anglian Archaeology Series Report 103.
Papers and Reviews
Evans, C. Writing Mucking: Preparing a major 1960s excavation for publication. Research: Discovery, Innovation and Science in the Historic Environment. Historic England (on-line publication): 66–75.
Evans C. Late Iron Age and Roman. Eastern Counties Regional Research Framework (East Anglian Archaeology & Historic England, issued on-line).
Evans, C. Wetland Knowledges: Resource Specialisation (and Denial) in the East Anglian Fenlands, in Local communities in the Big World of prehistoric Northwest Europe, eds. C.C. Bakels, Q.P.J. Bourgeois, D.R. Fontijn & R. Jansen. Leiden: Sidestone Press: 45-63.
Brittain, M., C. Evans and B. Neil contributors to Olalde, I. and D. Reich, 2018. The Beaker phenomenon and the genomic transformation of northwest Europe. Nature 555: 190–6.
Evans, C., 2017. Review: Fokkens, H., Steffens, B.J.W. and As, S.F.M. van 2016. Farmers, fishers, fowlers, hunters: Knowledge generated by development-led archaeology about the Late Neolithic, the Early Bronze Age and the start of the Middle Bronze Age (2850–1500 cal. BC) in the Netherlands. Amersfoort (Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 53). Antiquity 91: 1671–72.
Evans, C. and M.L.S Sørensen, with M.J. Allen, J. Appleby, T. Manuel Casimiro, C. French, S. Inskip, J. Lima, R. Newman, K. Richter and R. Scaife.. Finding Alcatrazes (and early Luso-African settlement), Santiago Island, Cape Verde. Antiquity Project Gallery (August 2017;
Evans, C. Sentimental Prehistories: The construction of the Fenland past, in M. Gillings & J. Pollard (eds.), Landscape Archaeology: 283–314 (Critical Concepts in Archaeology). Abingdon: Routledge. (Reprint of 1997 European Journal of Archaeology paper.)
Evans, C. and M.L.S. Sørensen. A Place of Arrivals: Forging a nation’s identity at Cidade Velha. Current World Archaeology 75: 32–6.
Evans, C. Wearing environment and making islands: Britain’s Bronze Age inland North Sea. Antiquity 89: 1110-1124.
Evans, C. Disappearance Beyond Recall: A Social Context for Bronze Age Aurochs Extinction in Britain? Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 81: 107-123.
Evans, C. and C. Cessford. North West Cambridge: Archaeology, art and mud. British Archaeology (March/April): 34-9.
Evans, C. and M.L.S. Sørensen. First Church of the Tropics: Where slave-traders came to pray. Current World Archaeology 70: 26–7.
Evans, C. Soldiering Archaeology: Pitt Rivers and Militarism. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 24 (Art. 3).
Evans, C. Review: A. Schnapp, with L. von Falkenhausen, P.N. Miller and T. Murray (eds.), ‘A Review of World Antiquarianism: Comparative Perspectives’, in Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 24 (Art. 18).
Evans, C., J. Tabor and M. Vander Linden. Making Time Work: Sampling Floodplain Artefact Frequencies and Populations, Antiquity 88: 241–58.
Garrow, D., J. Meadows, C. Evans and J. Tabor. Dating the dead: a high-resolution radiocarbon chronology of burial within an Early Bronze Age barrow cemetery at Over, Cambridgeshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 80: 207–236. Awarded the Society’s Baguley prize for 2014.
Evans, C. Delivering Bodies unto Waters: A Late Bronze Age Mid-stream Midden Settlement and Iron Age Ritual Complex in the Fens. Antiquaries Journal 93: 55-79.
Evans, C. Against Narrative: Reading and Gauging Sequences. Landscapes 14: 103-12.
Evans, C. Cambridge, Hutchison Site, Addenbrooke’s; Fen Ditton, Greenhouse Farm; Langdale Hale and Camp Ground, Colne Fen, near Earith, contributions to D. Perring and M. Pitts, Alien Cities: Consumption and the origins of urbanism in Roman Britain: 69-72. London: Spoilheap Publications.
Evans, C. Pitt Rivers in Canada (and America): The Filmer Album and Notman Studio Lane Fox Portraits, and the John Wimburn Laurie Diary Entries. Rethinking Pitt-River. Pitt River Museum Web-site, Oxford.
Meadows, J. D. Garrow, C. Evans, and J. Tabor. ‘Outliers, offsets, misfits and Low Grounds: a Bayesian chronological model for the Beaker-Early Bronze Age barrow cemetery at Over, Cambridgeshire, England’. Poster contribution to 7th International Symposium on 14C and Archaeology, Ghent, Belgium.
Newman, R., A. Dickens and C. Evans, Some Splendid Rooms: Further Archaeological and Architectural Investigations in Jesus College, Cambridge, 1998-2011. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 102: 73-92.
Evans, C. Small Devices, Memory and Model Architectures: Carrying Knowledge. Journal of Material Culture 17: 369-87.
Evans, C. Archaeology and Repeatable Experiment: A comparative agenda, in Image, Memory and Monumentality: Archaeological engagements with the material world, eds. A.M. Jones, J. Pollard, M.J. Allen and J. Gardiner. (Prehistoric Society Research Paper No. 5.) Oxford: Oxbow Books/The Prehistoric Society: 295-306.
Evans, C., J. Hutton and S. Timberlake. Addenbrooke’s Hospital Excavations, 2007 & 2010: The Last of Cra’ster’s Enclosure. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 101: 105-114.
Evans, C., M.L.S. Sørensen and K. Richter. An Early Christian Church in the Tropics: Excavation of the N. S. da Conceição, Cidade Velha, Cape Verde. In T. Green (ed.), Brokers of Change: Atlantic Commerce and Cultures in Precolonial Western Africa: 173-92. (Proceedings of the British Academy 178.)
Evans, C. and R. Standring 2012. A Landscape Corridor: A14 Improvements Investigations. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 101: 81-104.
Hawkes, J., B. Alvey, C. Evans, T. Harward and R.B. Kunwar. Finding the Khasa Malla: Preliminary Investigations in the Surkhet Valley, West Nepal. Ancient Nepal 179: 1-14.
Irvine, R. and C. Evans. 2012. Greenlands and Waterlands: Digging into the Climate History in the East Anglian Fenlands, in ‘Communicating Climate Knowledge: Proxies, processes, politics’. Current Anthropology 53: 237-39.
Evans, C. Writing into Land - Haddenham and the Lower Ouse Environs. In. J. Schofield (ed.), Great Excavations: Shaping the Archaeological Profession: 148-66. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Evans, C. and R. Newman. An ‘Imperial Philosophical Machine’: The Archaeology of the Cambridge Observatory and Early Modern Science. Antiquity 85: 1369-84.
Evans, C. and R. Patten. An Inland Bronze Age: Excavations at Striplands Farm, West Longstanton. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 100: 7-46.
Evans, C., T. Legge, J. Pickles, H. Sheldon and M. Woudhuysen. Dr John Amyas Alexander: 1922-2010. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 100: 200-13.
Newman, R. and C. Evans. Archaeological Investigations at The Old Schools, University of Cambridge. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 100: 185-96.
Sørensen, M.L.S., C. Evans, and K. Richter. A Place of History: Archaeology and Heritage at Cidade Velha, Cape Verde. Proceedings of the British Academy 168 (‘Slavery in Africa: Archaeology and Memory’): 421-42.
Evans, C. Review: M. Carver’s ‘Archaeological Investigations’ in British Archaeology 114.
Evans, C. and L. Ten Harkel, Roman Cambridge’s Early Settlement and Via Devana: Excavations at Castle Street. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 99: 35-60.
Evans, C. Forward, in Lucy, S., J. Tipper and A. Dickens. The Anglo-Saxon Settlement and Cemetery at Bloodmoor Hill, Carlton Coville, Suffolk. East Anglian Archaeology 131: xi-xii.
Antiquity Special Section Editor, ‘Celebrating the annus mirabilis’ (papers by Evans, Gamble, Kruszynski, Murray & Renfrew; 83: 458-501).
Evans, C. 1859 - Marking Time, Antiquity 83: 458-61.
Evans, C. Small agencies and great consequences: Darwin’s archaeology. Antiquity 83: 475-88.
Evans, C. Review: D. Quammen (ed.), 2008. ‘Charles Darwin ‘On the Origin of Species’’ (New York: Sterling). Antiquity 83: 228-9.
Evans, C. Diverse Histories and Meta-narratives (Book Review article) Antiquity 82: 1111-13.
Evans, C. ‘A note on the 1990 Kiln’, Contribution in S. Wills et al. Late Iron Age/Early Roman Pottery Kilns at Blackhorse Lane, Swavesey, 1998-99. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 97: 53-76.
Evans, C.. Model Excavations: ‘Performance’ and the Three-Dimensional Display of Knowledge. In N. Schlanger and J. Nordbladh (eds.), Archives, Ancestors, Practices: Archaeology in the light of its History: 147-61. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
Evans, C. and G. Appleby. Historiography and Fieldwork: Wyman Abbott’s Great Fengate Ring-ditch Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 74: 171-92.
Evans, C, and M. Knight. Further Investigations at Arbury Camp, Cambridge: The Eastern Entrance - A Monumental Architecture. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 97: 7-30.
Murray, T. and C. Evans. Introduction: Writing Histories of Archaeology. In T. Murray and C. Evans (eds), Histories of Archaeology: A Reader in the History of Archaeology: 1–12. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Evans, C. and M. Vander Linden. The Godwin Ridge, Over, Cambridgeshire: A (Wet-) Landscape Corridor. Notae Praehistoricae 28: 1-8.
Evans, C.. ‘Delineating Objects’: Nineteenth Century Antiquarian Culture and the Project of Archaeology. In S. Pearce (ed.), Visions of Antiquity: The Society of Antiquaries of London 1707-2007 (Archaeologia 111): 266-305. London: Society of Antiquaries of London.
Evans, C. The Birth of Modern Archaeology, In Making History: Antiquaries in Britain 1707-2007. Society of Antiquaries of London, Exhibition Catalogue, Royal Academy of Art: 185-199.
Evans, C., M. Knight and L. Webley. Iron Age Settlement and Romanization on the Isle of Ely: The Hurst Lane Reservoir Site . Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 96: 41-78.
Evans, C. Review: John Lewis et al Landscape Evolution in the Middle Thames Valley: Heathrow Terminal 5 Excavations Volume 1, Perry Oak (Framework Archaeology Monograph 1), Antiquity 81: 809-11.
Evans, C. Engineering the Past: Pitt Rivers, Nemo and The Needle. Antiquity 80: 960-69.
Evans, C. Captain Nemo/Lt-General Pitt Rivers and Cleopatra’s Needle - A Story of Flagships Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 15: 37-44.
Evans, C. and R. Regan. The Roman Camp Ground, Colne Fen, Earith. In T. Malim, Stonea and the Roman Fens: 164-66. Stroud, Glous. Tempus Pub.
Alexander, M., N. Dodwell and C. Evans. A Roman Cemetery in Jesus Lane, Cambridge. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 93: 67-94.
Evans, C. Unearthing Displacement: Surrealism and the 'archaeology' of Paul Nash, in Substance, Memory, Display: Archaeology and Art, eds. C. Renfrew, C. Gosden & E. DeMarrais. (McDonald Institute Monographs.) Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 103-117.
Evans, C. Material and Oral Records: A shaman’s meeting in Pokhara. In N. Brodie and C. Hills (eds.), Material Engagements: Studies in honour of Colin Renfrew: 165-80. Cambridge: McDonald Institute Monographs.
Evans, C.. Modelling Monuments and Excavations. In S. de Chadarevian and N. Hopwood (eds.), Models: The Third Dimension of Science: 109-37. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press (Writing Science Series).
Evans, C., S. Williams and L. Webley. Jesus Close before the College: Archaeological Excavations at the Gardener’s Compound Site. Jesus College Annual Report 100: 68-70.
Evans, C. Britons and Romans at Chatteris: Investigations at Langwood Farm, Chatteris. Britannia 34: 175-264.
Evans, C. and C. Humphrey. History, Timelessness and the Monumental: The Oboos of the Mergen Environs, Inner Mongolia. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 13: 195-211.
Evans, C. and D. Gibson The Sinja Valley Excavation in 2000 AD. Ancient Nepal 153: 15-42.
Evans, C. and C. Humphrey. The Afterlives of the Mongolian Yurt: The ‘Archaeology’ of a Chinese Tourist Camp. Journal of Material Culture 7: 189-210.
Evans, C., J. Pettigrew, U. Acharya and Y. Tamu. The Kohla Project, 2000: The First Season of Excavation. Ancient Nepal 150: 1-19.
Evans, C. Metalwork and ‘Cold Claylands’: Pre-Iron Age occupation on the Isle of Ely. In T. Lane and J. Coles (eds.), Through Wet and Dry: Proceedings of a conference in honour of David Hall: 33-53. Lincolnshire Archaeology and Heritage Reports Series No. 5 and WARP Occasional Paper 17.
Evans, C. and Mark Knight. A Great Circle: Investigations at Arbury Camp, Cambridge. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 91: 23-53.
Evans, C. ‘Archaeology and Modern times: Bersu's Woodbury 1938/39’. Reprinted in S. Stoddart (ed.),The Celts in Antiquity. Antiquity Publications.
Evans, C. and M. Knight, ‘The ‘Community of Builders’: The Barleycroft Post Alignments’, in Bruck, J. (ed.), Bronze Age Landscapes: Tradition and Transformation, 83-98, Oxbow Books.
Evans, C. The Fengate Depot. In F. Pryor, Archaeology and environment of the Flag Fen Basin. London: English Heritage Archaeological Report.
Evans, C. Megalithic Follies: Soane's 'Druidic Remains' and the display of Monuments. Journal of Material Culture 5: 347-66.
Evans, C. Roman Cambridge - A review of the last decade. In J. Alexander and J. Pullinger, Roman Cambridge: Excavations on Castle Hill 1956-1988. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 88: 255-60.
Evans, C. Testing the ground - Sampling Strategies (and Cambridgeshire FMP Site Summaries). In A. Crowson, T. Lane and J. Reeve (eds.), The Fenland Management Project: Summary Volume: 15-21; 23-73. Lincolnshire Archaeology and Heritage Reports Series No. 3.
Evans, C. Archaeological Distributions: The Problem with Dots (#3) and Iron Age Forts and Defences (#12). In T. Kirby and S. Oosthuizen (eds.), An Atlas of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire History. Centre for Regional Studies, Anglia Polytechnic University. (Also sub-editor for Prehistory Section).
Evans, C. Review: F. Pryor, Etton: Excavations of a causewayed enclosure near Maxey, Cambs. Antiquity 74: 450-2.
Evans, C. and M. Knight. A Fenland Delta: Later Prehistoric land-use in the lower Ouse Reaches. In M. Dawson (ed.), Prehistoric, Roman and Saxon landscape studies in the Great Ouse Valley. Council for British Archaeology.
Evans C. and J. Pollard. The Institutional Facade: Architectural Recording at the Old Schools, University of Cambridge. Antiquaries Journal 79: 213-43.
Evans, C. 'Christopher Hawkes', Chapter in T. Murray (ed.), The Great Archaeologists (London: ABS-Clio).
Evans, C. Cognitive Maps and Narrative Trails: Fieldwork with the Tamu-mai/Gurung of Nepal. In R. Layton and P. Ucko (eds.), Shaping your landscape: The Archaeology and Anthropology of Landscape. London: Routledge.
Evans, C., J. Pollard and M. Knight. Life in Woods: Tree-throws, 'settlement' and forest cognition. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 18: 241-54.
Evans, C. The Lingwood Wells: A waterlogged first millennium BC settlement at Cottenham, Cambridgeshire. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 87: 11-30.
Edmonds, M., C. Evans and D. Gibson. Assembly and Collection: Lithic complexes in the Cambridgeshire Fenlands. Proceedings of Prehistoric Society 65: 47-82.
Hill J.D., C. Evans and M. Alexander 1999. The Hinxton Rings - A Late Iron Age cemetery at Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, with a reconsideration of northern Aylesford-Swarling distributions. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 65: 243-73.
Evans, C. Historicism, chronology and Straw Men: Situating Hawkes' Ladder of Inference. Antiquity 72: 398-404.
Evans, C. Review: R.P.J. Jackson and T.W. Potter, 1996. 'Excavations at Stonea, Cambridgeshire 1980-85'. Antiquity 72: 232-4.
Evans, C. Constructing houses and building context: Bersu's Manx Roundhouse Campaign, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 64: 183-201.
Evans, C., A. Dickens and D.A.H. Richmond. Cloistered Communities: Archaeological and Architectural Investigations in Jesus College, Cambridge, 1988-97. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 86: 91-144.
Evans, C.. Sentimental Prehistories: The construction of the Fenland Past. Journal of European Archaeology 5: (2): 105-136.
Evans, C. The Excavation of a Ring-ditch Complex at Diddington, near Huntingdon, with a Discussion of Second Millennium BC Pyre Burial and Regional Cremation Practices, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 85: 11-26.
Evans, C. Hydraulic Communities: Iron Age enclosure in the East Anglian Fenlands. In A. Gwilt and C. Haselgrove (eds.), Re-constructing the Iron Age: 216-27. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Evans, C. Archaeology against the state: Roots of internationalism. In P. Ucko (ed), Theory in Archaeology: a world perspective. London: Routledge.
Evans, C. Review: J. Coles & S. Minnitt, Industrious and fairly civilized: the Glastonbury lake village, Antiquity 69: 1059-60
Evans, C. Review: A. Bowdin van Riper, Men Among the Mammoths, British Archaeology 4: 13.
Evans, C. Review: 'Putting on a public face': F. Pryor, 1991 Flag Fen; J. Richards 1991 Stonehenge; N. Sharples, 1991 Maiden Castle, Scottish Archaeological Review 9/10: 211-12.
Evans, C. Natural Wonders and National Monuments: A meditation on the fate of The Tolmen. Antiquity 68: 200-8.
Evans, C. and A. Taylor. Fieldwork in Cambridgeshire. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 82.
Evans, C. 'Digging with the Pen': Novel Archaeologies and literary traditions. Reprinted in C. Tilley (ed), Interpretative Archaeology. Oxford: Berg: 417-47.
Evans, C. Langwood Farm West and Environs. Fenland Research 9: 3-11.
Evans, C. Lithic 'noise' - low density scatters - missing settlements? The Langwood Farm Environs. Fenland Research 8: 14-16.
Evans, C. The Fengate Depot Site. Fenland Research 8: 2-9.
Evans, C. Sampling settlements: Investigations at Lingwood Farm, Cottenham and Eye Hill Farm, Soham. Fenland Research 8: 26-30.
Evans, C. and A. Taylor. Fieldwork in Cambridgeshire. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 81.
Evans, C. Commanding gestures in lowlands: The investigation of two Iron Age Ringworks. Fenland Research 7: 12-26.
Evans, C. Iron Age (Fenland Research Priorities). Fenland Research 7: 8-10.
Evans, C. Review: B.A. Purdy (ed.), 'Wet Site Archaeology'. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society: 56.
Evans, C. Review: R. Williams, 'People of the Black Mountains'. Antiquity 64: 196-7.
Evans, C. and M. Edmonds. The Place of the Past: Art and Archaeology in Britain. Excavating the Present (2). Kettle's Yard, Cambridge. (Exhibition catalogue).
Evans, C. 'Power on Silt': Towards an archaeology of the East India Company. Antiquity 64: 643-61.
Evans, C. Acts of enclosure: A consideration of concentrically organised causewayed enclosures. In J. Barrett & I. Kinnes (eds.), The Archaeology of Context. Sheffield.
Evans, C. 'Digging with the Pen': Novel Archaeologies and literary traditions. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 8: 185-211.
Evans, C. Archaeology and modern times: Bersu's Woodbury 1938/39. Antiquity 63: 436-50.
Evans, C. Perishables and Worldly Goods: Artefact decoration and classification in the light of recent wetlands research. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 8: 179-201.
Evans, C. Review: A. Fleming, 'The Dartmoor Reaves'. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 8.
Evans, C. Monuments and Analogy: The interpretation of causewayed enclosures. In C. Burgess & P. Topping, et al. (eds.), Enclosures and Defences in the Neolithic of Western Europe: 47-73. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, International Series 403.
Evans, C. Excavations at Haddenham, Cambs.: A 'planned' enclosure and its regional affinities. In C. Burgess & P. Topping, et al. (eds.), Enclosures and Defences in the Neolithic of Western Europe: 127-48. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, International Series 403.
Evans, C. 'Nomads in 'Waterland'?: Prehistoric Transhumance and Fenland Archaeology. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society 76.
Evans, C. and D. Serjeantson. The backwater economy of a Fen-edge community in the Iron Age. Antiquity 62: 360-70.
Evans, C. Review: J.M. Wagstaff (ed.), 'Culture and Landscape'. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 7: 259-62.
Evans, C., D. Hall, I. Hodder and F. Pryor. The Fenlands of East Anglia, England: Survey and Excavation). In J. Coles and A Lawson (eds.). European Wetlands in Prehistory. Oxford: Claredon.
Evans, C. A matrix technique for the analysis of Interrupted Ditch Enclosures. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 5: 273-77.
Boast, R. and C. Evans. The transformation space: Two examples from British Prehistory. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 5.
Evans, C. Review: D. Lowenthal's 'The Past is a Foreign Country'. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 5: 132-35.
Evans, C. and I. Hodder. The Black Fen-edge. Popular Archaeology 6: 32-40.
Evans, C. Tradition and the Cultural Landscape: an archaeology of place. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 4: 80-94.
Evans, C. A shrine provenance for the Willingham Fen hoard. Antiquity 58: 212-214.
Evans, C. On the Jube line: Campsite studies in Kurdistan. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 2: 67-77.
Evans, C. and P. James. The Roman Cornhill. Popular Archaeology 5: 19-26.
Evans, C. Wildmen, Pulp and Fire: Archaeology as popular fiction. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 2: 68-70.
Evans, C. Whether Pits be Vats: Some further interpretations of subterranean features. Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology (London) 19: 171-76.
Teaching and Supervisions
Occasional/guest lecturing only
PhD supervisions
Other Professional Activities
Apart from being affiliated researcher in the University of Toronto’s Department of Anthropology, I am on the board of the Cambridge Heritage Research Centre and a member of the National Museum of Scotland’s AHRC-funded Baggage and Belonging project concerned with the status of ethnographic objects in Britain’s military museums. Over the last eight years I have been an invited participant in Oxford University’s ‘Grey Literature’ group overviewing the future of archaeological publication and synthesis in England. Similarly, I was the appointed official Eastern England ‘advocate’ for the University of Reading’s Roman Countryside review programme. By the invitation of Historic England and ALGO County Curators Group, I have recently issued the Late Iron Age and Romano-British portions of the Eastern Counties Regional Research Framework.