I was born in Rome, Italy, and after completing my studies in classics in 2015, I moved to the UK to undertake a BA in Classical Archaeology and Classical Civilisation at the Institute of Archaeology (UCL). My thesis, supervised by Prof. Jeremy Tanner, focused on the first figurative attempts and the first inscriptions in the alphabetic script during the 8th century BC across nine Greek regions, trying to establish connections between these two phenomena. I then came to Cambridge in 2018 to start an MPhil in Classics, where I developed my interests in the interplay between text and image and expanded my research to include the rest of the Mediterranean. My dissertation, under Prof. Robin Osborne’s supervision, concentrated on Italo-geometric art during the 8th-6th centuries BC. I am currently undertaking a PhD funded by the Cambridge Trust on the ‘communications revolution’ in the central Mediterranean during the 8th-6th centuries BC.
My current research focuses on the emergence of the alphabetic scripts and figurative art across the central Mediterranean during the 8th-6th centuries BC. I am interested in the connections between these two practices and in re-constructing the genesis of these fundamental social and cultural phenomena from a Mediterranean view, in order to understand how very different communities engaged with images and inscriptions and how they conceived the relationship between figurative art and text.
Since 2017, I have been involved in a project at the American Academy in Rome, which aims to publish a study of ceramic material (Etruscan to Late Antiquity) from the sanctuary of Campetti (Veii) in the Memoirs of the Academy.
I also have a particular interest in infant/child human remains and have excavated burials both in Greece and Italy.
- Early Iron Age
- Comparative Mediterranean Archaeology
- Classical art/archaeology
- Inscriptions
- Material Culture and Identity
Key Publications
Scholz, E. and Maynard, G. (eds.) 2021. Text and Image (ARC 36.2). Cambridge: Archaeological Review from Cambridge.
Maynard, G. and Scholz, E. 2021. Text and Image in Perspective. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 36.2: 1-16.
Teaching and Supervisions
(2021-) Supervisor Classics Tripos
(2021-2022) A1 World Archaeology Teaching Assistant and Supervisor
Supervisor: Robin Osborne
Advisor: Cyprian Broodbank
Other Professional Activities
2015-2018: Event Manager and Front of House at Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology