How to apply
The process of applying to study at Cambridge is much the same as that for other universities. However, at Cambridge the process starts earlier and the UCAS application deadline is 15th October.
The UCAS code for studying Archaeology, Assyriology, Biological Anthropology and Egyptology is V400.
You can find detailed application information on the main Cambridge undergraduate website.
Admissions Tutors and Directors of Studies in the Colleges are always happy to answer your questions.
What are we looking for?
We welcome your application if you have a real passion for Archaeology, Biological Anthropology or the languages and cultures of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. What we look for in applicants is academic ability, motivation, and intellectual curiosity; because Archaeology is such a broad field, our students have backgrounds in everything from History to Biology, English to Physics, Philosophy to Geography. We value diversity, of background and outlook, and we welcome talented students from around the world.
What A Levels do I need?
We do not expect particular combinations of A-level subjects. A typical offer (made by the College you apply to) will be A*AA; for the International Baccalaureate: 40-42 points, with 776 at Higher Level; for the Scottish Advanced Higher Grade, the usual requirement is AAA. For entrance requirements relating to other qualifications, please visit the main Undergraduate Study website.
Is there a recommended reading list?
Yes. Check out our recommended reading and resource list for suggested books, articles, videos, blogs, vlogs and other resources relating to the four tracks of our undergraduate course.
What about admission assessment and interviews?
All applicants for Archaeology are required to take a written assessment at interview. You may find the University's examples of past papers helpful in preparation.
The Undergraduate Study webpage has further information about the Cambridge interview process. To read more about the application process from the student perspective, you may like to check out the student-produced Alternative Prospectus and InsideUni for testimonials.
What is the Cambridge Foundation Year?
The Cambridge Foundation Year is a free and fully-funded one-year residential course designed to offer a stepping stone to Cambridge for those who have experienced educational disadvantage. If you want to study courses in the Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences, are ordinarily resident in the UK, and circumstances have prevented you from realising your academic potential, this is an opportunity not to miss.
Further information on applying to the Foundation Year Programme and the programme’s course structure and content may be found on the Foundation Year website.
How do I choose a college?
All Cambridge colleges (except Queens' College) admit students to the Archaeology Tripos. Aside from general criteria such as whether you like the feel of a college, its location and activities, you could also approach colleges where fellows work in areas you are interested in. Visit the University of Cambridge virtual tour platform to get a feel for where the Departments, Faculties, Museums, Libraries and Colleges are located within the small city of Cambridge.
Financial Support
There are various sources of financial support available to help towards your costs at Cambridge. These fall into two broad categories: Government financial support and Cambridge financial support. Some support is available to all UK/EU students, while eligibility for other funding may depend on your financial circumstances.
Further information on Undergraduate fees and finance can be found on the Financial Support pages of the University of Cambridge website.
College Support
In addition to the financial support available to all UK students, there are also possibilities for applying for generous means tested bursaries from colleges. Most colleges have travel grants available to archaeology undergraduate students which can applied for through the college Director of Studies / Tutorial Office.
Other Funds and Awards
Undergraduate students can use the Cambridge University Funding Search tool to locate funding in their discipline.