For prospective Undergraduates
Financial Support
There are various sources of financial support available to help towards your costs at Cambridge. These fall into two broad categories: Government financial support and Cambridge financial support. Some support is available to all UK/EU students, while eligibility for other funding may depend on your financial circumstances.
Further information on Undergraduate fees and finance can be found on the Financial Support pages of the University of Cambridge website.
College Support
In addition to the financial support available to all UK students, there are also possibilities for applying for generous means tested bursaries from colleges. Most colleges have travel grants available to archaeology undergraduate students which can applied for through the college Director of Studies / Tutorial Office.
Please also consult the page How to Apply
For prospective Postgraduates
1. General funding opportunities for postgraduate study at Cambridge
You can apply to many funding opportunities through the Cambridge University Postgraduate Funding Competition. This coordinates funding from multiple sources including:
- Cambridge Trust
- Gates Cambridge
- ESRC and AHRC Research Councils
- University funding, including The Vice Chancellor's Award and The Cambridge International Scholarship Scheme
- College partner funding for the above schemes
The University holds two main rounds of competition for postgraduate study in November and December/January for admittance the following academic year. Funding deadlines and further information on the Postgraduate Funding Competition is provided by the Postgraduate Admissions Office.
Please make sure you are aware of the Postgraduate Funding Competition Timeline.
Current undergraduate and prospective postgraduate students can use the Cambridge Funding Search tool to locate funding within the University.
2. Funding opportunities specific to Archaeology at Cambridge
There are several bursaries and grants for the study of Archaeology at MPhil or PhD level, please consult the dedicated Funding for Postgraduate Study page.