The Akkadian (Babylonian and Assyrian) and Sumerian languages have been taught at Cambridge since the establishment of the Eric Yarrow Lectureship in Assyriology in 1926.
Until 2008, Assyriology at the University of Cambridge was housed within the former Faculty of Oriental Studies (now Faculty of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies). In 2008, Assyriology (and Egyptology) moved to the Faculty of Archaeology & Anthropology and the Department of Archaeology. In 2012, Archaeology and Anthropology became part of the new Faculty of Human, Social and Political Sciences (HSPS). From 2017, Archaeology became an independent Tripos (degree course), including the Assyriology stream.
Today, the Mesopotamian academic staff within the Department of Archaeology teach the languages, archaeology, culture and history of Mesopotamia at Undergraduate and MPhil level, and supervise PhD research on these topics.