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Department of Archaeology


Upcoming public lectures and site visits

We do not currently have any public lectures scheduled. If you are a member of a group or society that would like us to come to speak about our past work in Wingham/Ickham, Bishopsbourne, Petham, or Patrixbourne, please email Lacey Wallace at

Previous Talks and Site Visits

February 2015, 'The Miller, the Soldier, and the Priest: a vignette of power in Roman Britain' (Lacey Wallace), Queens' College Classics Society, Cambridge.

December 2015 'Soldiers, Millers and Priests - Archaeological Investigations between Ickham and Wingham' (Lacey Wallace, Chris Blair-Myers, and Mark Presland), Preston Village Hall, Preston.

January 2015 'Temples, villas, towns or depots? Exploring the landscape of Roman Kent’ (Alex Mullen and Lacey Wallace), Oxford Archaeological Fieldwork Seminar.

December 2014 'The Canterbury Hinterland Project: multi-method geophysical investigation of a Roman enclosure at Bourne Park (with the emphasis on the GPR Survey) (Lieven Verdonck, Lacey Wallace, Alex Mullen and Paul Johnson), Near-Surface Geophysics Group, London.

August 2014 'Canterbury Hinterland Project: a focus on Bourne Park' (Lacey Wallace and Alex Mullen), Bridge and District History Society, Bridge Village Hall, Bridge.

August 2014 'Canterbury Hinterland Project: a focus on Petham' (Lacey Wallace and Alex Mullen), Petham Village Hall, Petham.

August 2014 'Canterbury Hinterland Project: a focus on Bourne Park' (Lacey Wallace, Alex Mullen, and Lieven Verdonck), Bishopsbourne Village Hall, Bishopsbourne.

August 2014, site visit for Canterbury Historical and Archaeological Society (Lacey Wallace).

January 2014 ‘The Canterbury Hinterland Survey, Phase 1: Bourne Park’ (Lacey Wallace, Paul Johnson, Alex Mullen), Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

January 2014 ‘Rural life in Roman Britain: language, literacy and the hinterland of Canterbury’ (Alex Mullen), Roman Discussion Forum, Oxford.

December 2013 ‘Rural Roman Britain’ (Alex Mullen), All Souls College, Oxford.

December 2013 ‘Britons and Romans': linguistic and cultural contacts in Late Iron Age and Roman Britain’ (Alex Mullen), Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, Cambridge.

November 2013 ‘Landscape Survey at Bourne Park’ (Lacey Wallace, Alex Mullen), Council for British Archaeology Southeast Conference: Landscapes of South-East Britain During the Roman Period, Faversham.

November 2013 ‘Latinitas Britannica’ (Alex Mullen), Classics Research Seminar, Reading.

August 2013 'Bourne Park, Bishopsbourne' (Lacey Wallace, Paul Johnson, Alex Mullen), Bishopsbourne Village Hall, Bishopsbourne.