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Department of Archaeology


Name Office phone Email address Job titles
Dr Andreas Pantazatos - on sabbatical for Lent and Easter Terms 2024/25 Assistant Professor in Heritage Studies
Dr Hratch Papazian 01223 (3)39290 Herbert Thompson Associate Professor of Egyptology, *On leave in the 2023-2024 academic year and not accepting MPhil and PhD students*
Neal Payne Research Assistant, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Taylor Peacock PhD Student in Archaeology
Dr Nik Petek-Sargeant Leverthulme Trust/Newton Trust Early Career Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, College Research Associate, Homerton College, Member of the Editorial Board, Annals of the Náprstek Museum
Prof. Cameron A. Petrie +44 (0)1223 (3)33507 Professor in South Asian and Iranian Archaeology, Fellow of Trinity College, Director of Studies, Trinity College
Chike Pilgrim PhD student in Archaeology
Mariana Pinto Leitão Pereira PhD Student in Archaeology
Prof Holly Pittman Honorary Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Dr Dominic Pollard British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, The McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Dr Emma Pomeroy 01223 (7)64711 Associate Professor in the Evolution of Health, Diet and Disease
Dr Andrew Pottorf Teaching Associate in Assyriology
Dr Katharine Pretty Senior Fellow McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research