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Department of Archaeology


Name Office phone Email address Job titles
Sophie Rabinow PhD Student in Biological Anthropology
Dr Gillian Ragsdale Teaching Associate in Biological Anthropology
Natasha Rai PhD Student in Archaeology
Dr Tonko Rajkovaca 01223 (3)39355 Chief Research Laboratory Technician - Geoarchaeology
David Redhouse 01223 (7)68250 Computer Officer
Prof Thilo Rehren Honorary Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Director of the Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Centre (STARC) at the Cyprus Institute
Dr Steve Renette Assistant Professor in Mesopotamian Archaeology
Dr Jane Renfrew Senior Fellow McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Prof Lord Colin Renfrew ScD FBA 01223 (3)3353 Senior Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Formerly Disney Professor of Archaeology and Director of the McDonald Institute
Dr Layla Renshaw Honorary Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Associate Professor, Kingston University
Jessica Rippengal 01223 (3)39348 Chief Technician, Department Safety Officer, Facilities Manager (Downing Site, Cockcroft and bunker)
Prof John Robb 01223 (3)39004 Professor of European Prehistory, Director of Studies, Peterhouse
Dr Rebecca Roberts Project Coordinator (Arcadia MAHSA), Research Associate
Dr Anna Roberts Wenner-Gren Hunt Postdoctoral Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Dr Rocco Rotunno Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Dr Corinne Roughley Affiliated Lecturer, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Director of Studies and Tutor, Hughes Hall, Director of Studies, St Edmund's College
Dr John Rowan Assistant Professor in Human Evolution
Kim Eileen Ruf PhD Student in Archaeology
Sergio Giuseppe Russo PhD Student in Archaeology