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Department of Archaeology


Name Office phone Email address Job titles
Imogen Badley Admin Assistant for the Department of Archaeology & McDonald Institute
Prof Giovanna Bagnasco Honorary Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research , Present Professor of Etruscology
Dr Britt Baillie Honorary Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Dr Rachel Ballantyne Senior Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Susan Barker Project Co-ordinator, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Prof Graeme Barker 01223 (3)39284 or 01223 (3)38622 (College) Disney Professor of Archaeology Emeritus, Senior Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Professorial Fellow, St John's College, Director of Studies, Corpus Christi
Prof James H. Barrett Senior Fellow, McDonald Institute of Archaeological Research , Professor of Medieval and Environmental Archaeology, Department of Archaeology and Cultural History, NTNU
Dr Amélie Beaudet Honorary Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Dr Agnese Benzonelli Senior Teaching Associate in Archaeological Science, Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Dr Trish Biers Collections Manager of the Duckworth Laboratory at the Level of Curator, Osteologist and Paleopathologist
Josh Bland PhD Student in Archaeology
Dr Roger Bland Senior Fellow McDonald Institure for Archaeological Research
Alette Blom PhD Student in Archaeology
Dr Michael Boyd Honorary Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Senior Research Affiliate, Science and Technology in Archaeology Research Center, The Cyprus Institute
Dr Katherine Boyle 01223 (3)39341 Research Facilitator, Fellow and Director of Studies (Part I HSPS; Part II Archaeology & Biological Anthropology), Homerton College
Leah Brainerd PhD Student in Archaeology
George Brill PhD Student in Biological Anthropology
Prof Cyprian Broodbank 01223 (3)39340 Disney Professor of Archaeology, Director, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Dr Emma Brownlee Ottilie Hancock Research Fellow in Archaeology, Girton College, Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Dr Matthew Brudenell 01223 327802 Director of the Cambridge Archaeological Unit