If you are a PhD student at another university and wish to come to Cambridge as a visitor, there are two possible routes by which you can visit the University of Cambridge.
Visiting students are expected to comply with the University's and Department's ethics policies for both publication and research (see https://www.plagiarism.admin.cam.ac.uk/ and Research Ethics in the Department of Archaeology).
Route 1
It is possible to come to Cambridge for one or two terms as the guest of the Department of Archaeology. If you were accepted you would be allowed to use the Haddon Library, the University Library, and attend lectures and events within the Department of Archaeology and the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research (https://www.arch.cam.ac.uk/events).
You would not have a supervisor to oversee your work. Visiting Students are expected to identify a member of teaching staff and/or laboratory group who will act as sponsor and can advise you on how to make best use of your time in Cambridge. The Department of Archaeology cannot provide office space or access to Department computers to Visiting Students though we can arrange access to computers within the University’s Computing Service.
Applicants are required to be engaged in doctoral research at the point of application and will not have completed their programme by the date of their visit. Applicants must have the full support of their PhD supervisor at their home institution and will be expected to meet the University's minimum language requirement in the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Academic test. Please refer to the requirements outlined on the Postgraduate Admissions website here. If you are unsure whether a language test will be required please contact the Postgraduate Admissions Administrator.
Fees are £500 per term or equivalent duration. Another appropriate fee may be negotiated in exceptional circumstances with respect to hardship or research assistance given in-kind through prior negotiation with the Department of Archaeology. Your proposed sponsor in the department should include details of any fee negotiation or proposal in their letter of support accompanying your application. There are separate fees for those wishing to use the Archaeological Science laboratories or study the Duckworth Laboratory Collection which are detailed on the Laboratory Fees and Charges webpage.
If your project will require high performance computation, please discuss these needs with your supervisor when designing your proposal, and mention the plan in your proposal. Depending on the requirements there may be an additional cost that reflects our internal costs. Please note that while there are some shared facilities, personal desktops are not normally provided - you should bring a laptop for day to day computational needs.
To Apply:
If you would like to apply for Visiting Student Status please send the following documents to the Postgraduate Admissions Administrator: a CV, a reference from your PhD Supervisor at your home University, the name of your preferred sponsor at the Department of Archaeology plus a letter of support from them, a language test report and an outline of what you will be working on while you are in Cambridge (not more than 1000-words in length). Prospective Visiting Students should normally apply at least two terms in advance of the proposed visit, i.e. by May 1st for the next Michaelmas term (October-November), by October 1st for the next Lent term (January-March).
Publication and Ethics:
As there may by issues with respect to publication arising from a research stay in Cambridge in the Department of Archaeology, publication and authorship protocol must be agreed with your home and host sponsors prior to coming to Cambridge. Each applicant and their home sponsor are referred to the University’s plagiarism policy (http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/univ/plagiarism/) and the Ethics policy for the Department of Archaeology: https://www.arch.cam.ac.uk/research/research-ethics-department-archaeology
Students are required to arrange their own accommodation; the University Accommodation Office (http://www.accommodation.cam.ac.uk/) might be able to assist Visiting Students to find suitable accommodation.
Route 2
If you wish to use only the University Library while you are in Cambridge, you should apply directly to the University Library (please see http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/using-library/joining-library ). Please note that this route will not enable you to use any of the Department facilities or attend any lectures or events.
The Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (MAA) is open to the public. See the MAA webpages for current exhibitions and opening times.
Code of Practice
If you are accepted as a Visiting Student you will be asked to sign a code of practice as part of your induction, which lists the rules of behaviour expected of all students in the University of Cambridge and lays out the terms for visiting students.