Journal Articles
- Gleba M., Heitz C., Landenius Enegren H., Meo F. “At the crossroads of textile cultures: Textile production and use at the south Italian Archaic site of Ripacandida”, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 31.1.
In press
- Gleba M., Vanden Berghe I. “Textiles from Cumae Fondo Artiaco 104: Structural and Dye Analyses”, in A. Babbi, Cumae, Grave Artìaco 104: performative identity and transculturality in the Middle-Tyrrhenian region at the end of the 8th c. BC, Jarbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums.
- Gleba M. “Textiles in pre-Roman Italy: from qualitative to quantitative approach”, Origini XL, 2017-1: 9-28.
- Gleba M., Mandolesi A., Lucidi M.R. “New textile finds from Tomba dell’aryballos sospeso, Tarquinia: Context, analysis and preliminary interpretation”, Origini XL, 2017-1: 29-44.
- Gleba M, Menale I., Rescigno C. “Textiles and rituals in Cumaean cremation burials”, Origini XL, 2017-1: 45-63.
- Harris, S. “From value to desirability: the allure of worldly things”, World Archaeology 49.5.
- Gleba, M. “Tracing Textile Cultures of Italy and Greece 1000-400 BCE”, Antiquity Vol: 91, Issue: 359, October 2017, 1205-1222, doi:10.15184/aqy.2017.144
- Gleba M. (2016) “Analisi preliminare dei tessuti della Tomba dell’Aryballos sospeso”, in A. Mandolesi et al., “Tomba dell’aryballos sospeso”, 28-32, Orizzonti –Rassegna di Archeologia XVII: 11-34.
- Gleba M., Vanden Berge I., Aldenderfer M. (2016) “Textile technology in Nepal in the 5th-8th centuries CE: the case of Samdzong”, STAR: Science and Technology in Archaeological Research 2 (1),
- Marín-Aguilera, B. (2016). (De)Orientalising Spain: the ‘Other’ from within. Arkeogazte 6: 75-89. ISSN: 2174-856X
- Verri G., Gleba M., Swaddling J., Long T., Ambers J., Munden T. (2015) “Etruscan women’s clothing and its decoration: the polychrome gypsum statue from the ‘Isis tomb’ at Vulci”, The British Museum Technical Bulletin 8, 59-71
Other publications
In press
- Garcia Sanchez M. and Gleba M. Vetus Textrinum. Textile in the Ancient World. Studies in Honour of Carmen Alfaro Giner, University of Barcelona.
- Harris S., & Veldmeijer A. (eds.) (2014) Why Leather? The Material and Cultural Dimensions of Leather. Sidestone Press, Leiden.
- Harris, S. & Douny, L. (eds.) (2014) Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture, Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives, Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek.
- M. Gleba & J. Pasztokai-Szeöke (eds.) (2013) Making Textiles in Pre-Roman and Roman Times: People, Places, Identities, Ancient Textiles Series 13, Oxford, Oxbow Books
Edited journal issues
In press
- Gleba M. and Laurito R. (eds), Origini XL.
- Laurito R., Gleba M. (eds), Il tessuto della Vita. Le risorse, l’economia e la produzione tessile nell’Italia antica, Forma Vrbis September 2015
Articles in books and conference proceedings
- Cutler J., Gleba M. and Cartwright C. (2017) “(Re)discovery of a new classical textile from northern Greece”, In A. Shapland and E. Stefani (eds), Archaeology behind the battle Lines: Macedonia 1915-1919, 165-170, British School at Athens.
- Gleba M. (2017) “Textiles and Dress”, in A. Naso (ed.), Handbook of Etruscan Studies, New York: de Gruyter, Vol. 1, 485-504 (Invited contributor).
- Gleba M., Meo F. (2017) “L’abbigliamento funerario”, in M. Niola and G. Zuchtriegel (eds.), Action Painting: Rito & Arte nelle tombe di Paestum, Napoli, 137-143
- Gleba M., Vanden Berghe I. and Cenciaioli L. (2017) “Purple for the Masses? Shellfish purple dyed textiles from the quarry workers’ cemetery at Strozzacapponi (Perugia/Corciano), Italy”, in H. Landenius Enegren and F. Meo (eds), Treasures from the Sea, Oxbow Books, 131-137.
- Cutler J., Gleba M. (2016) “Classical textile remains in the British Museum Collection”, in J. Ortiz, C. Alfaro, L. Turell and J. Martinez (eds)., Purpureae Vestes V: Textiles, Basketry and Dyes in the Ancient Mediterranean World, 45-48, Valencia
- Dimova B. (2016) "Textile production in Iron Age Thrace." European Journal of Archaeology 19 4: 652–680. doi:10.1080/14619571.2016.1164457
- Dimova, B. (2016) Textile remains from early Hellenistic graves near Kyolmen and Salmanovo (preliminary observations). In Thrace and its neighbours. Proceedings of the conference held in Shumen 27--29 October, 2016. eds. S. Stoychev et al., 141–155. Shumen: Faber. [Димова, Б. 2016. "Текстилни останки от ранноелинистически гробове край Кьолмен и Салманово (предварителни наблюдения)." В Тракия и околния свят. Сборник с доклади от научна конфенерция 27-29 октомври 2016 г., РИМ Шумен, ред. Станимир Стойчев, Иван Маразов, Дочка Аладжова, Бета Хараланова, и Даниел Руменов, 141–155. Шумен: Фабер.] (in Bulgarian)
- Daragan M., Gleba M., Buravchuk O. (2016) “’Pandora’s box’: A textile tool set from a Scythian burial in Ukraine”, in in J. Ortiz, C. Alfaro, L. Turell and J. Martinez (eds)., Purpureae Vestes V: Textiles, Basketry and Dyes in the Ancient Mediterranean World, 57-62, Valencia
- Gleba M. (2016) “Women and textile production”, in J. Turfa and S. Budin (eds.), Women in Antiquity, Routledge, 844-851 (Invited contributor)
- Marín-Aguilera B. (2016) “Food, identity and power entanglements in south Iberia between the 9th-6th centuries BC”. In L. Campbell, A. Maldonado, E. Pierce, A. Russell (eds.), Creating material worlds: the uses of identity in Archaeology. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 195-214. ISBN: 978-1-78570-180-1.
- Gleba M. (2015) “Etruscan Textiles in Context”, in A. Carpino and S. Bell (eds), Companion to the Etruscans, Wiley-Blackwell, 237-246 (Invited contributor)
- Gleba M., Laurito R. (2015) “Appendice 1. Analisi delle tracce di tessuti rinvenuti a Grotte di Castro in località Vigna la Piazza”, in E. Pellegrini, “Un aspetto delle necropoli etrusche di Grotte di Castro: le tombe a fossa con circolo di Vigna La Piazza”, 265-267, Annali Faina XX, 337-339, 346 figs. 1-4.
- Gleba M. (2015) “Sacred cloth: consumption and production of textiles in sanctuaries and the power of elites in archaic western Mediterranean world”, in E. Kistler, B. Öhlinger, M. Mohr and M. Hoernes (eds), Sanctuaries and the Power of Consumption. Networking and the Formation of Elites in the Archaic Western Mediterranean World. Proceedings of the International Conference in Innsbruck, 20th–23rd March 2012, 373-383, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag.
- Gleba M. (2015) “Women and textile production in Early Iron Age southern Italy”, in G. Saltini Semerari and G.J. Burgers (eds), Early Iron Age Communities of Southern Italy. Papers of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome, vol. III, 102-117, Rome: Palombi Editori
- Gleba M. (2015) “Production and Consumption: Textile Economies in Mediterranean Europe 1000-500 BCE”, in K. Grömer and F. Pritchard (eds), Aspects of the Design, Production and Use of Textiles and Clothing from the Bronze Age to the Early Modern Era. NESAT XII, 261-70, Budapest: Archaeolingua
- Harris S. (2015) “Flax, innovation and change in the early Neolithic - a technological and material perspective”, In Textile Society of America 2014 Biennial Symposium Proceedings: New Directions: Examining the Past, Creating the Future, Los Angeles, California, September 10–14, 2014
- Harris S., Gleba M. (2015) Bronze Age moss fibre garments from Scotland – the jury’s out. Archaeological Textiles Review 57, 3-11.
- Gleba M. (2015) “The fabric for a city: development of textile materials during the urbanization period in Mediterranean Europe”, In Textile Society of America 2014 Biennial Symposium Proceedings: New Directions: Examining the Past, Creating the Future, Los Angeles, California, September 10–14, 2014
- Gleba M., van Kampen I. (2015) “A stray fibula in the Museo dell'Agro Veientano from Veii-Monte Michele: preliminary report on textile and fibre analysis”, in R. Cascino, U. Fusco and C. Smith (eds.), Novità nella ricerca archeologica a Veio. Dagli studi di John Ward-Perkins alle ultime scoperte, 188-190, Sapienza Università Editrice
- Cutler J., Gleba M. (2014) “A preliminary study of the textile fragment on GR 1919, 11-19.8”. Appendix to C. Morgan, “A fifth-century BC grave group from Karabournaki in the British Museum”, in P. Valavanis and E. Manakidou (eds.), Studies in Art and Archaeology in Honour of Michalis Tiverios, 253. Thessaloniki: Studio Press
- Gleba M., Laurito R. (2014) "Analisi delle tracce di tessuto," In Re, V., Gleba, M., Laurito, R., "Grotte di Castro Necropoli Vigna La Piazza", p.81, in S. Rafanelli (ed.), Circoli di pietra in Etruria: Vetulonia, Orvieto e Grotte di Castro (cat. mostra), Siena: ARA edizioni
- Gleba M. (2014) “Cloth worth a King’s Ransom: textile circulation and transmission of textile craft in the ancient Mediterranean”, in K. Rebay-Salisbury, L. Foxhall and A. Brysbaert (eds), Knowledge Networks and Craft Traditions in the Ancient World: Material Crossover, 83-103, London & New York: Rutledge (Invited contributor)
- Gleba M. (2014) “Italian textiles from prehistory to Late Antique times”, in S. Bergerbrant and S. H. Fossoey (eds.), A Stitch in Time: Essays in Honour of Lise Bender Jørgensen, 145-170, Gothenburg: Gothenburg University (Invited contributor)
- Gleba M., Vanden Berghe I. (2014) “Textiles from Strozzacapponi (Perugia/Corciano), Italy – new evidence of purple production in pre-Roman Italy”, in C. Alfaro, M. Tellenbach and J. Ortiz (eds.), Production and Trade of Textiles and Dyes in the Roman Empire and Neighbouring Regions. Purpureae Vestes IV, 167-174, València: University of València
- Gleba M. (2014) “Sheep to textiles: approaches to investigating ancient wool trade”, in K. Droß-Krüpe (ed.), Textile trade and distribution in antiquity, 123-133, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag
- Gleba M. (2014) “Wrapped up for safe keeping: ‘wrapping’ customs in Early Iron Age Europe”, in S. Harris and L. Douny (eds.), Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives, 135-146, Walnut Creek (CA): Left Coast Press
- Harris S. (2014) Cloth culture in the Middle Neolithic of northern Italy with special reference to basketry (c.4900-4250 BC). In. R. Whitehouse, R. & M. Pearce (eds) Accordia Research Papers Vol. XIII, 103-130, Accordia Research Institute, University of London, London
- Harris S. (2014) Wrapping the dead: An investigation of the Bronze Age burial mounds of southern Scandinavia through a wrapping analysis. In S. Harris & L. Douny eds., Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives, 115-134, Walnut Creek (CA): Left Coast Press
- Douny L. & Harris S. (2014) Introduction: Wrapping and unwrapping, concepts and approaches. Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives, 15-40. Walnut Creek (CA): Left Coast Press
- Harris S. (2014) Introduction: Leather in archaeology, between material properties, materiality and technological choices. In S. Harris, S. & A. Veldmeijer eds., Why Leather? The Material and Cultural Dimensions of Leather, 9-21, Sidestone Press
- Harris S. (2014) Sensible dress: experiments with the sight, sound, touch and smell of Late Ertebølle, Mesolithic cloth types. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 24 (1), 37-56.
- Harris S. & Hofmann K.P. (2014) From Stones to Gendered Bodies: Regional Differences in the Production of the Body and Gender on the Copper Age Statue-Menhirs of Northern Italy and the Swiss Valais. European Journal of Archaeology 17 (2). doi:10.1179/1461957114Y.0000000054
Invited Lectures and Seminars
- Gleba M. “Unraveling the Fabric of the Past: Mediterranean Textile Cultures in the First Millennium BCE”, University of Binghamton, Binghamton, USA, 27 February 2018
- Gleba M. “Unraveling the Fabric of the Past: Mediterranean Textile Cultures in the First Millennium BCE”, Upper House Seminar, British School at Athens, Greece, 20 November 2017
- Gleba M. “Tracing Textile Cultures in Mediterranean Europe 1000-500 BCE”, Department of Classical Archaeology, University of Munich, Germany, 10 July 2017
- Gleba M. “Archaeological Textiles and what we can learn from them”, Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb, Croatia, 27 April 2017
- Gleba M. “Tracing Textile Production and Consumption in Mediterranean Europe 1000-500 BCE”, Archaeology seminar, University of York, UK, 1 February 2017
Conference papers
- Gleba M. “Textile Cultures of Mediterranean Europe the 1st millennium BC: technology, tradition, aesthetics and identity”, Symposium Outward Appearance vs. Inward Significance: Addressing Identities through Attire in the Ancient Worlds, Oriental Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA, 1 March 2018
- Dimova B., Gleba M. “Fabrics and frontiers: tracing textile cultures in the Iron Age Mediterranean and Hallstatt Europe”, DAAD workshop, Munich, Germany, 3 November 2017
- Dimova B., Gleba M. “Adding a new dimension: textiles from Adriatic Italy in a wider Mediterranean context”, Picene Seminar, University of Cambridge, UK, 17 June 2017
- Fulminante F., Witcher R., Carafa P., Capanna C. “Textile Production in Central Italy: initial Insight from Survey Data”, PROCON conference, Cambridge 17 May 2017
- Gleba M., Vanden Berghe I., Daragan M. “Dyes and Pigments of the Scythians: the frist evidence”, International conference The Scythian Legacy: economy, contact and culture of Eurasian nomads, British Museum, UK, 29 October 2017
- Spindler L., Daragan M., Gleba M., Collins M. “Testing Herodotus: leather species identification of Scythian quivers using novel scientific methods”, International conference The Scythian Legacy: economy, contact and culture of Eurasian nomads, British Museum, UK, 29 October 2017
- Chen R., Gleba M., Bartos L., Sanders D., Hildred A. “Sails of Mary Rose: preliminary results of textile and fibre analyses, NESAT XIII, Liberec, Czech Republic, May 2017
- Gleba M., Cutler J., Dimova B. “Production and Consumption of textiles in Italy and Greece 1000-500 BCE”, PROCON conference, Cambridge, 17 May 2017
- Gromer K., Gleba M. “Tracing coloured checked cloth in prehistoric Europe”, Pasold Research Fund Conference Colour in Cloth, Glasgow, UK, 11 April 2017
- Gleba M., Harris S. “Fibres for Splicing - Technology and Technique in the Ancient Mediterranean”, TOPOI workshop The Competition of Fibers, Free University of Berlin, Germany, 8 March 2017
- Gleba M. “PROCON: Textile production in the northern Mediterranean 1000-500 BCE”, PROCON 3rd Milestone workshop, National Archaeological Museum, Madrid, Spain, 17 February 2017
- Gleba M., Vanden Berghe I. “Analysing dyes in variably preserved archaeological textiles form the first millennium BC Italy”, Workshop Scientific approaches to First Millennium AD textiles from Egypt: Dye Analysis, The British Museum, London, UK, 2 March 2017
- Gleba M., Shamir O., Workman V., Sukenik N., Ben-Yosef E. “Defining the value of wool in the Iron Age: The case of textiles from Timna (Israel)”, BANEA, Glasgow, UK, 6 January 2017
- Harris S., Gleba M. “From stem to textile: tracing spliced yarns from the Neolithic to Iron Age”, EAA, Maastricht, 2 September 2017
- Harris S. “Textiles of value in proto–urban Italy”, PROCON conference, Cambridge 17 May 2017
- Marin Aguilera B., Rodriguez E., Celestino S., Gleba M. “Crafting a post-Orientalising world: textile production and social dynamics in southwestern Iberia in the late 6th-5th century BC”, EAA, Maastricht, 31 August September 2017
- Marin Aguilera B. “Production and Consumption of textiles in Spain”, PROCON conference, Cambridge 17 May 2017
- Marín-Aguilera B. “Interweaving Colonial and Local Networks: Textile Production in Early Iron Age Iberia”, SAA, Vancouver, Canada, 1 April
- Marín Aguilera B. “PROCON: Textiles and textile production in Iberia (1000-500/400 BC) - State of the art”, PROCON 3rd Milestone workshop, National Archaeological Museum, Madrid, Spain, 17 February
- Gleba M. “PROCON”, ERC 10 year celebration, McDonald Institute, Cambridge, UK, 16 March 2017
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