Public engagement
Outreach activities
- Museo dell’Agro Veientano, Formello, Italy - display on burials from Veio-Poggiomarino features results of PROCON’s textile analysis
- University of Cambridge Festival of Ideas, Prehistory Day - B. Marin Aguilera demonstrated spinning and explained ancient textile production processes at the (22 October 2016) Audience: over 500
- Museo Archeologico Nazionale Altinate, Altino, Italy - M. Gleba gave a public lecture (26 May 2016) Audience: 20
- University of Cambridge Science Festival – demonstration of digital microscopy and how it helps with archaeological textile analysis (March 2016) Audience: 350
- TourismA, Florence, Italy - M. Gleba gave a public talk “L’arte tessile fra Baltico e Mediterraneo: evidenze archeologiche” at the round table “Vestire l’antico” (20 February 2016) Audience: 150
- National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia, Rome, Italy – new didactic panel featuring PROCON’s textile analysis and images is featured on the display case of the bronze cinerary urn with textile remains from the Cuccumella tumulus, Vulci (2016)
- University of Cambridge Festival of Ideas, Prehistory Day – Woad dyeing demonstration (October 2015) Audience: 300
- Forma Urbis Special issue – featured articles based on the 1st PROCON Workshop in Rome (September 2015) Circulation: 3000
- Museo Civita di Grotte di Castro, Italy – M. Gleba gave a public lecture (12 September 2015) Audience: 50 people
- Etruscans@EXPO, Milan, Italy - PROCON was featured as part of the EXPO 2015 (summer 2015)
- Karabournaki Excavation, Thessaloniki, Greece - J. Cutler gave an open seminar on textile tools (June 2015) Audience: 30
- Giornata nazionale dell'archeologica, del patrimonio artistico e del restauro - PROCON’s textile analyses were showcased (7 December 2014)
- University of Cambridge Festival of Ideas, Prehistory Day – Woad dyeing demonstration (25 October 2014) Audience: 350
- Pigment Timeline Project, UCL Centre of Humanities Interdisciplinary Research Projects, December 2014
- World Archaeology Festival, UCL, June 2014
- Museo dell’Agro Veientano, Formello, Italy, - M. Gleba gave a public lecture “La fibula di Monte Michele: trace di una stoffa” (17 May 2014) Audience: 70
- Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia, Rome, Italy - M. Gleba gave a public lecture “Un filo nel passato: archeologia dei tessuti nell’Italia preromana” (15 May 2014) Audience: 80
- University of Cambridge Festival of Science, UK: demonstration of textile fibres and archaeological textiles using digital microscopy (15 March 2014) Audience: 300
- Institute of Making, UCL, UK, open day “String & Things” - Demonstration and teaching of a simple cord making technique (29 June 2013) Audience: 230
- Prehistoric Fashion Show, London – S. Harris participated as demonstrator with CinBA project led by archaeologists at the University of Southampton and the Natural History Museum Vienna staged as part of an international Humanities festival “The Time and the Place” (1 June 2013)
- World Archaeology Festival, IoA, UCL – S. Harris contributed two posters on ancient textiles and dress for the exhibition: “Poster People of the IoA - Meet the people at the heart of our research and discuss their ideas” (16 May 2013)
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