Project Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers
- Seguin-Orlando, A., Korneliussen, T.S., Sikora ,M., Malaspinas, A-S., Manica, A., Moltke, I., Albrechtsen, A., Ko, A., Margaryan,A., Moiseyev, V., Goebel, T., Westaway, M., Lambert, D., Khartanovich, V., Wall, J.D., Nigst, P.R., Foley, R.A., Lahr, M.M., Nielsen, R., Orlando, L. and Willerslev, E., 2014. Genomic structure in Europeans dating back at least 36,200 years. Science 346: 1113–1118.
PDF available here.
Media information available here.
Book Chapters
- Koulakovska, L., Usik, V., Nigst, P.R. and Haesaerts, P., 2013. News from the Middle Palaeolithic Dniestr, in: Archaeological Research in Ukraine 2012, Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kiev, pp. 373-374. PDF available here.
- Usik, V., Koulakovska, L., Nigst, P.R. and Haesaerts, P., 2013. Research on the Palaeolithic in Transcarpathia, in: Archaeological Research in Ukraine 2012, Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, pp. 173-174. PDF available here.
Published Abstracts
- Nigst, P.R., Koulakovska, L., Usik, V., Pirson, S., Damblon, F., Spry-Marques, P., Gerasimenko, N., Liashyk, T., Hublin, J-J. and Haesaerts, P., 2014. Neanderthal occupation of the East European Plain: New data from the Middle Dniestr valley (Ukraine). Proceedings of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution 3: 124. Abstract available here.
- Nigst, P.R., Koulakovska, L., Usik, V., Damblon, F., Pirson, S., Spry-Marques, P., Hublin, J-J. and Haesaerts, P., 2013. Exploring Neanderthal and modern human occupation east of the Carpathian Mountains: New fieldwork in the Dniestr valley (Ukraine) . Proceedings of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution 2: 163. Abstract available here.
- Haesaerts, P., Sinitsyn, A., Damblon, F., van der Plicht, J., and Nigst, P.R., 2013. New data on the radiocarbon chronology of the Stretleskayan at Kostenki (Voronezh, Central Russia). Proceedings of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution 2: 107. Abstract available here.
- Nigst, P.R., Koulakovska, L., Usik, V., Damblon, F., Hublin, J-J. and Haesaerts, P., 2013. Neanderthal and Modern Human Adaptations in Climatic Context: New Fieldwork in Western Ukraine. PaleoAnthropology 2013: A26. Abstract available here.
Publications for the Wider Public
- 2013–2014 McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research Annual Report: Neanderthals on the East European Plain: Excavations at Neporotovo 7 (Middle Dniestr valley, Ukraine) (p.35). Full Annual Report available here.
- 2012–2013 McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research Annual Report: Neanderthals and Modern Humans in Central and Eastern Europe (p.37). Full Annual Report available here.
- 2011–2012b McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research Annual Report: New Research on the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic of Western Ukraine (p.28). Full Annual Report available here.
- 2011–2012a McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research Annual Report: Fieldwork at Kostenki 14, Russia (p.26). Full Annual Report available here.
Conference Presentations
- Nigst, P.R., Koulakovska, L., Usik, V., Pirson, S., Damblon, F., Spry-Marques, P., Gerasimenko, N., Liashyk, T., Hublin, J-J. and Haesaerts, P., 2014. 'Neanderthal occupation of the East European Plain: New data from the Middle Dniestr valley (Ukraine)'. Paper presented at the ESHE meeting, Florence, Italy, 18–20 September. Abstract available here.
- Koulakovska, L., Usik, V., Pirson, S., Damblon, F., Spry-Marques, P., Gerasimenko, N., Liashyk, T., Hublin, J-J., Haesaerts, P. and Nigst, P.R., 2014. 'Neanderthal behaviour in Eastern Europe: New data on the Levallois-Technocomplex in the Dniester valley (Ukraine)'. Paper presented at the UISPP conference, Burgos, Spain, 1–7 September.
- Haesaerts, P., Sinitsyn, A., Douka, K., Hublin, J-J., Higham, T., Damblon, F., Pirson, S., van der Plicht, J. and Nigst, P.R. 2014. 'Chronology of the early Upper Palaeolithic site Markina Gora (Kostenki Area, Central Russia)'. Paper presented at the UISPP conference, Burgos, Spain, 1–7 September.
- Usik, V., Koulakovska, L., Haesaerts, P,. Gerasimenko, N., Liashyk,T., Racz, B., Kromer, B., Hublin, J-J., and Nigst, P.R., 2014. 'New Data on the Early Upper Paleolithic of Western Ukraine: Chronology, Environment and Human Behavior at the Aurignacian site of Beregovo I'. Paper presented at the UISPP conference, Burgos, Spain, 1–7 September.
- Haesaerts, P., Koulakovska, L., Gerasimenko, N., Damblon, F., Usik, V., Pirson, S. and Nigst, P.R., 2014. 'Environment and chronology of the Gravettian techno-complexes in the Eastern European loess belt'. Paper presented at the UISPP conference, Burgos, Spain, 1–7 September.
- Nigst, P.R., Koulakovska, L., Usik, V., Damblon, F., Hublin, J-J. and Haesaerts, P., 2013. 'Neanderthal and modern human adaptations in climatic context: New fieldwork in Western Ukraine'. Paper presented at the Paleoanthropology Society Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii (USA). 2–3 April. Abstract available here.
- Nigst, P., Koulakovska, L., Usik, V., Damblon, F. and Hublin, J-J., 2013. 'Exploring the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic of Western Ukraine'. Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii (USA). 3–7 April. Programme available here.
- Nigst, P.R., Koulakosvka, L., Usik, V., Damblon, F., Pirson, S., Spry-Marques, P., Hublin, J-J. and Haesaerts, P., 2013. 'Exploring Neanderthal and modern human occupation east of the Carpathian Mountains: New fieldwork in the Dniestr valley (Ukraine)'. Poster presented at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution, Vienna (Austria). 19–21 September. Abstract available here.
Further Reading
- Chernysh, A.P., 1961. The Paleolithic Site of Molodova V. Kiev: AN Ukrainian SSR.
Chabai, V., Monigal, K. and Marks, A., 2004. The Paleolithic of Crimea: The Middle Paleolithic and Early Upper Paleolithic
of Eastern Crimea, vol. 3. ERAUL 104. Liege: Université de Liege.
- Chabai, V., Richter, J. and Uthmeier, T., 2005. The Paleolithic Sites of Crimea: Kabazi II: The Last Interglacial Environment & Subsistence. Simferopol-Cologne: Shlyakh.
- Haesaerts, P., Damblon, F., Nigst, P. and Hublin J-J., 2013. ABA and ABOx radiocarbon cross-dating on charcoal from Middle Pleniglacial loess eeposits in Austria, Moravia, and Western Ukraine. Radiocarbon 55(2-3): 641–647.
- Haesaerts, P., Borziac, I., Chekha, V.P., Chirica, V., Damblon, F., Drozdov, N.I., Orlova, L.A., Pirson, S. and van der Plicht, J., 2009. Climatic signature and radiocarbon chronology of Middle and Late Pleniglacial loess from Eurasia: Comparison with the marine and Greenland records. Radiocarbon 51(1): 301–318.
- Haesaerts, P., Borziac, I., Chekha, V.P., Chirica, V., Drozdov, N.I., Koulakovska, L., Orlova, L.A., Plicht, J.V.D. and Damblon, F., 2010. Charcoal and wood remains for radiocarbon dating Upper Pleistocene loess sequences in eastern Europe and central Siberia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 291(1–2): 106–127.
- Hoffecker, J.F., 2002. Desolate Landscapes: Ice-Age Settlement in Eastern Europe. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
- Ivanova, I.K. and Chernysh, A.P., 1965. The Paleolothic site of Molodova V on the Middle Dnestr (USSR). Quaternaria VII: 197–217.
- Klein, R.G., 1973. Ice-Age Hunters of the Ukraine. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Koulakovska, L., Usik, V.I. and Haesaerts, P., 2010. Early Palaeolithic of Korolevo site (Transcarpathia, Ukraine).Quaternary International (223-224): 116–130.
Usik, V.I., Monigal, K. and Koulakovskaya, L., 2006. New perspectives on the Transcarpathian Middle to Upper Paleolithic boundary. In N. J. Conard (ed.), When Neanderthals and Modern Humans Met. Tübingen: Kerns Verlag, 213–232.
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