Northern Bosnia is a key location in which to investigate human-environment interactions in the Late Pleistocene /Middle-Upper Palaeolithic. Our research aims to evaluate hominan resource networks and investigate palaeoenvironmental conditions during this period, and address the following:
- Catalogue and review the known Middle-Upper Palaeolithic archaeological record and research in this region, concentrating on the upper Vrbas valley
- Conduct reconnaissance investigations of site and possible lithic resource locations using interdisciplinary geoarchaeological approaches including remote sensing and terrain mapping, geological and soil/sediment deposit modelling and selected site sampling for physical, geo-chemical and micromorphological analyses
- Establish the potential of this area for further interdisciplinary geoarchaeological research along with appropriate colleagues in Bosnia and Serbia.
Team Members
Charles French
Tonko Rajkovača
Philip Nigst
Petros Chatzimpaloglou
Ivana Pandzic
Cambridge Humanities Research Grant