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Department of Archaeology


Frontiers of Etruria

Modern frontiers have been much studied by geographers/anthropologists in terms of their fluidity, permeability, multivocality, ambivalence and contestation. This project will explore the implications of these issues for ancient Etruscan frontiers and the memories that the frontiers have left in the formation of modern boundaries.


The project is examining four principal types of frontier:

  • The formal boundary with the Latins focused on the study of the relationship between Veii and Crustumerium
  • The cultural boundary with the Faliscans focused on the study of the relationship between Veii and Nepi
  • The internal boundary between Etruscan cities on Lake Bolsena, focused on the study of Grotte di Castro
  • The fuzzy boundary between the Etruscan city of Perugia and the Umbrian centre of Gubbio, focused on the ancient monastic estates of Montelabate

The project is centred on the analysis of the formation and development of Etruscan frontiers, but also investigates the changing character of the frontier in the Roman, Medieval and Modern periods, including the mobile military frontier of 1944.


Project Director


Key Participants


Component parts


Financial Support



Stoddart, S. and Smith, C. 2011. Frontiers in Etruria. A workshop. The European Archaeologist 35: 12-13

Stoddart, S. K. F., Baroni, M., Ceccarelli, L., Cifani, G., Clackson, J., Ferrara, F., della Giovampaola, I., Fulminante, F., Licence, T., Malone, C., Mattacchioni, L., Mullen, A., Nomi, F., Pettinelli, E., Redhouse, D. & Whitehead, N., 2012. Opening the Frontier: the Gubbio - Perugia frontier in the course of history. Papers of the British School at Rome, 80, 257-94.


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