I am a Research Assistant on the REVERSEACTION project here at Cambridge, investigating metallic, lithic, textile, and ceramic artefacts from Pre-Hispanic Colombia.
Before coming to Cambridge I completed a BA in Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Oxford and subsequently an MSc in Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology at Cranfield University, for which I was funded by the Cranfield Excellence Scholarship. Throughout both degrees I developed interests in bioarchaeology (namely osteology, non-adult osteology, and palaeopathology) and archaeological science. I also completed theses in the usefulness of non-adult skeletal age estimation techniques and in the osteoarchaeology of smallpox.
In my spare time I enjoy taking part in archaeological outreach and excavation. Since 2016 I have created videos for YouTube documenting my experience studying and working in archaeology, with a particular focus on sharing my experiences as a previously Free School Meals eligible student. I am always open to discussing outreach opportunities and events.
Stateless Societies
Archaeological Materials Science
Non-adult osteology
Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology
Key Publications
Crawford, R. R., Hodson, C. M., Errickson, D. (2024) 'Guidance for the identification of bony lesions related to smallpox', International Journal of Paleopathology, Vol 44, pp: 65-77,
Other Professional Activities
Society for Archaeological Sciences
British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology
Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past
Other activities:
Cranfield Recovery and Investigation of Conflict Casualties Team
Blake Emergency Services International Response Team