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Department of Archaeology



I am a Geoinformatics Engineer with a Bachelor’s degree (2015) from National University of Sciences & Technology, Pakistan and Master’s degree (2019) from Institute of Space Technology, Pakistan. Since my graduation I have been a part of both Industry and Academia, starting my professional career in 2015, I have worked on large spatial datasets from different application areas including urban planning, vehicle tracking, rescue services and more.

As my first professional assignment, I worked on the spatial planning of two cities in Punjab and Sindh provinces of Pakistan. Later, I joined Pakistan’s first digital mapping and location-based services platform as the data lead, here we worked to materialize a data development and management system using open-source database, capable of handling the largest spatial dataset of Pakistan. Working in different application areas, I have a passion to learn and use my skills in archaeological heritage, with an effort towards preservation.


My previous research work is focused around addressing the issues relating to lack of planning support systems for spatial planning in Pakistan. I have also done work on development of a proof-of-concept system for semantic enrichment of vehicle routing engines using Linked Data.

I see my current position at Cambridge as an opportunity to do research work in Archaeology with more focus towards handling of large archaeological heritage dataset in Arches database.


Key Publications

Key publications: 
Waheed, A., Wakil, K., Jabbar, J. A., Pettit, C. J., & Tahir, A. (2020). Evaluating a Workflow Tool for Simplifying Scenario Planning with the Online WhatIf? Planning Support System. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(12), 706.

Jabbar, J. A., & Bulbul, R. (2019). SEMANTIC ENRICHMENT OF ROUTING ENGINES USING LINKED DATA: A CASE STUDY USING GRAPHHOPPER. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences.

ul Hussnain, M. Q., Waheed, A., Wakil, K., Tahir, A., Pettit, C., Pelizaro, C., & Jabbar, J. A. (2017). A Planning Support System to Aid Spatial Planning in Pakistan.


Job Titles

Research Associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

General Info

Not available for consultancy
Research Expertise / Fields of study: 
Heritage Management

Contact Details

ja738 [at]


Person keywords: 
Database development, Data management plans, Data collection, Data storage, FAIR Data, Data archiving, Data sustainabilty, Geospatial Surveys, GIS, Python, Git, SQL, Open-source
Science, Technology and Innovation
Geographical areas: 
South Asia