I am an archaeopalynologist primarily working in southern Nigeria.
I obtained a Bachelor of Science in Archaeology (2007) from the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, likewise a Masters (2010) and Ph.D (2017).
I joined the Department of Archaeology and Tourism, University of Nigeria in 2017 where I teach archaeology and environmentally related courses.
I have received a 2020 African Humanities Program (AHP) Postdoctoral Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS). I was a University of Ibadan Postgraduate School Teaching and Research Assistant (2013-16). I obtained Certificates in Global Social Archaeology, Kyushu University, Japan (2016) and Community Archaeology, University of Cambridge (2019).
I have received several awards and research grants, some of which include: Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Early Career Academic Grant (2018); Society of Antiquaries of London (SAL) Research Grant (2020 and 2022); Cambridge-Africa Alborada Research Grant (2020-2021).
I am currently a Newton International Fellow at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge.
My research area focuses on Nigerian archaeology and ethnohistory, with special focus on southern Nigeria. Although my research interest straddles the entire length and breadth of Environmental Archaeology, my major interest is on archaeopalynology where I use palynology as a tool to understand human-environment interactions with the aim of examining natural and cultural phenomena, and processes driving landscape evolution.
My current research in southeast Nigeria is targeted at producing the first local environmental records from Igbo-Ukwu which will generate fresh understanding of how deep, historic human-environment interactions have contributed to the development of early urban landscapes in West Africa
Considering the interdisciplinary nature of environmental archaeology, I have also sought to employ geoarchaeology in my research which has helped to define site formation and post-depositional processes and capture environmental change and human activities over time.
I have a modest interest in Melissopalynology where I have investigated the botanical and geographical origin of commercial honey in Nigeria.
The success of my archaeological research has been engineered by the community and public engagement approach I have adopted over the years.
Key Publications
Daraojimba, K.C and Luz, C.F.P. 2023. Botanical and geographical origins of some commercial Apis mellifera var. adansonii honeys from Nigeria. Grana, DOI: 10.1080/00173134.2023.2181099
Daraojimba, K.C, Babalola, A.B., Brittain, M., Adeyemo, E., Champion, L., Shaw, P.J.S., Sulas, F. 2022. Expanding space and time at Igbo-Ukwu: insights from recent fieldwork. African Archaeological Review 39: 437–459
Abdulmalik, A. A. and Daraojimba, K.C. 2022. Textile Weaving (Aṣọ-Òkè) at Ologbin-Adewole Northern Yorubaland, Nigeria, TEXTILE, DOI: 10.1080/14759756.2022.2141024
Daraojimba, K.C., Luz, C.F.P and Barros, M.A. 2021. Environmental and vegetation dynamics in the forest of Orile-Owu, Southwest Nigeria, from the last ~ 1,4k cal. yr BP. Hoehnea.
Ogundiran, A., Moyib, O., Daraojimba, K.C and Adeara, E. 2021. Methodological Protocols of Understanding Decomposed Mud Wall Residential Structures in Oyo-Ile (C. 1570–1837), Nigeria. South African Archaeological Bulletin 76 (214): 43–56.
Daraojimba, K.C. 2021. Archaeology Education in Igbo-Ukwu, south east Nigeria. Archaeologies 17 (2): 193-216
Daraojimba, K.C, Ezeoke, B.C, Salihu, H.A and Idode, P.E. 2021. Africanism In A.K, Bangura (ed) African Isms: Africa and the Globalised World. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc. Chapter 2: 11-33.
Daraojimba, K.C. 2019. Short Notes on the 2019 Igbo-Ukwu Research Project. West Africa Journal of Archaeology. 49:177-184
Ishmael I. Munene, Chris Shisanya, Joy A. Obando, Daraojimba, K.C et al. 2019. Brief Descriptions of Qualitative Research Methods. In A. K. Bangura, J. A. Obando, I. I. Munene, and C. Shisanya (eds.). Conducting Research and Mentoring Students in Africa: CODESRIA College of Mentors Handbook. Dakar, Senegal: CODESRIA Publications. Chapter 4:59-116.
Daraojimba, K.C., Oyelaran, P. A., Luz, C. P. F., Barros, M. A., and Cordeiro, J. Archaeological deposit in Motako, southwest Nigeria, investigated by pollen analysis In: A. M. Mercuri et al. (Eds.): Plants and People in the African Past. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Chapter 13: 246-270.
Daraojimba, K.C. 2016. A study of pollen rain in Oke-Eri, southwest Nigeria. In P.A. Oyelaran, R.A. Alabi and Adeonipekun (eds) Human Palaeoecology in Africa: Essays in Honour of Professor M. Adebisi Sowunmi. Published by Palynological Association of Nigeria. Chapter 4: 72-91.
Daraojimba, K.C. 2016. Humans and oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) exploitation in Orile-Owu, Southwest Nigeria Ca. 1450-1640 A.D: Archaeo-botanical evidence. Dig It 3:14-23
Daraojimba, K.C. 2016. Archaeological reconnaissance, cultural documentation and archaeo-tourism possibilities of Orile-Owu, southwest Nigeria. West African Journal of Archaeology 46 (2): 203-217
Daraojimba, K. C. 2015. Sediment analysis of a 500-year-old Archaeological deposit in Central Yorubaland, Southwest Nigeria. Nyame Akuma 84:107-114.
Luz, C.F.P, Daraojimba, K.C and Barros, M.A. 2018. Palynological and archaeological evidence of land use and vegetation changes during the past 1375 cal YBP in Awerele, southwest Nigeria. Annual meeting of the Institute of Botany, Brazil.
Daraojimba, K.C, Luz, C.F.P, Barros, M.A and J. Cordeiro. 2017. Palynological and archaeological evidence of land use by the Owu people in Motako, Southern Nigeria. Proceedings of the XVI Congress of the Brazilian Association of Quaternary Studies (ABEQUA) October 21-27, 2017. Vol 2 (1) pp 262.
015 Daraojimba, K.C, P.A. Oyelaran, C.F.P Luz, M.A Barros and J. Cordeiro. 2015. A palynological study of an archaeological deposit in Motako, South-western Nigeria. Conference proceedings of the 8th International Workshop of African Archaeobotany, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. June, pp 163-166.
Other Professional Activities
- Member, World Archaeological Congress (WAC)
- Member, Society of Africanist Archaeologist (SAfA)
- Member, Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
- Member, West African Archaeological Association (WAAA)
- Member, Archaeological Association of Nigeria (AAN)
- Member, International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA)
- Member, West African Quaternary Association (WAQUA)
- Member, Palynological Association of Nigeria (PAN)