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Department of Archaeology



Dr Jimena Lobo Guerrero Arenas (BA, MA, PhD) is Senior Curator with responsibility for World Archaeology at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. 

Before coming to Cambridge, she was Lecturer at the University of Caldas where she was also Curator of Archaeology at the Centro de Museos. She was Director of Casa del Alabado - Museum of pre-Columbian art in Ecuador where she led the curatorship for the Alabado's permanent exhibition. She also worked at the Gold Museum in Colombia.

She has taught courses in Archaeological Theory, Historical Archaeology, Ethnohistory and Ethnoarchaeology.


With a background in archaeology, anthropology and history, Jimena specializes in the historical archaeology of the Americas and on the history and archaeology of colonialism with particular attention to Colombia. She is especially interested in Material Culture Studies and postcolonial theory to explore, analyze and interpret the interaction amongst indigenous people, Africans, and Europeans. More recently her research has focused on the study of metallurgy in the Americas during the colonial period and on Cultural Heritage and Museums. She has also worked in the pre-Columbian archaeology of Ecuador. 

Key Publications

Key publications: 

2021. Unos son de oro y otros son de hierro: reflexiones en torno a la materialidad del encuentro en un contexto funerario del periodo de contacto en Colombia. In R. Lleras and L. Vetter-Parodi (eds) Los Metales en Nuestra Historia. Instituto Frances de Estudios Andinos IFEA and Academia Colombiana de Historia.

2021. (With María Fernanda Zuluaga Medina) Re-imagining Museums in a Pandemic: New Governance For a Living, Open and Sustainable Museum, Museum International, 73:3-4, 108-119.

2019. Patrimonio sin dolientes: Valor y uso del patrimonio. El caso del Museo Cultural de Arte Religioso de Mompox. Virajes 21(2): 185-203.

2018. (With Marcos Martinón-Torres, Umberto Veronesi and Harriet White) Goldsmithing traditions and innovations in colonial Colombia: an analytical study of crucibles from Santa Cruz de Mompox. Journal of Post-Medieval Archaeology 52(2): 147-169.

2017. (With Marcos Martinón-Torres, María Alicia Uribe-Villegas and Juanita Sáenz-Samper) Archaeometallurgy in Colombia: Recent developments. Archaeology International 20: 82-86.

2015. (With Felipe Gaitán) Aguas van: casas, cuerpo y modernidad en la Bogotá republicana Vestigios. Revista Latinoamericana de Arqueología Histórica 9(1): 195-225.

2014. Changing perspectives: The archives of memory and material culture. Archaeological Review from Cambridge 29(2): 69-87.

2011. Arqueólogos y museos: El final de la Inocencia. Revista Nacional de Cultura: Letras, Artes y Ciencias del Ecuador 15-16(II): 321-332.

2010. (with Karen Stothert) Casa del Alabado – Museo de Arte Precolombino. Museum Guide. Quito: Casa del Alabado.

2009. (With Felipe Gaitán) La casa del Tipógrafo. Arqueología de una larga historia en Santafé de Bogotá. In Targa, J. y Fournier, P. (eds) Arqueología Colonial Latinoamericana, Modelos de Estudio. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, BAR.

2009. (With Elena Uprimny) Arqueología y Restauración Arquitectónica. Iglesia de San Nicolás de Tolentino, Barranquilla, Colombia. Canto Rodado (4): 95-116.

2009. (With Iván Cruz) El arte secreto del Ecuador precolombino. Retrovisor 3(2): 25-31.

2008. Del texto, contexto y lugar del oro en la Crónica del Perú, de Pedro Cieza de León. Bogotá: Ceso-Uniandes. 2008. Ecuador. El arte secreto del Ecuador precolombino. International Journal of South American Archaeology 3: 68-70.

2008. (With Felipe Gaitán) La casa del tipógrafo: arqueología de una ocupación temprana en Santafé de Bogotá. In Jorge Gamboa (ed) Los Muisca: estado actual de los estudios sobre las sociedades indígenas del altiplano cundiboyacense durante las épocas prehispánica y colonial. Bogotá: Ceso, Uniandes.

2007. (With Elena Uprimny) Arqueología vemos, de otras cosas no sabemos. Resultados recientes en arqueología histórica en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias. Memoria 4(7): 46-59.

2002. Objetos cotidianos en la Historia de la Resistencia Indígena en Colombia: del Documento de Archivo al Material Arqueológico. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología. Vol 13.

2002. (With Monika Therrien, Elena Uprimny, Felipe Gaitán, Marta Fandiño and María Fernanda Salamanca) Catálogo de cerámica colonial y republicana de la Nueva Granada: producción local y materiales foráneos (Costa Caribe, Altiplano Cundiboyacense-Colombia). Bogotá: FIAN, Banco de la República.


Teaching and Supervisions


I am currently involved in teaching:

MPhil in Heritage Studies:

  • G30 Museums: History, Theory and Practice 
  • G24 Heritage Special Topics

MPhil in Latin American Studies:

  • Indigeneity in Latin America


Job Titles

Senior Curator in World Archaeology

General Info

Takes PhD students
Not available for consultancy
Research Expertise / Fields of study: 
Museum Studies
Material Culture
Cultural Heritage

Contact Details


Person keywords: 
Historical Archaeology
Pre-Columbian Archaeology
Museum Studies
Culture Heritage
Material Culture
Heritage Studies
Material Culture
Geographical areas: 
Periods of interest: 
Modern / Contemporary
Other Historical