SCATTER investigates the multivocal notion of territory in Protohistory through the study of settlement patterns in ecological settings. Specifically, SCATTER focus on the Central Anatolian region during the Middle and Late Bronze Age, i.e. the second millennium B.C. The goal is to acquire better understanding of changes in landscape uses within a growing centralised state's power. To achieve this, SCATTER employs a range of state-of-the-art spatial analysis methodologies while reflecting on the influence of mapping on the perception of the ancient state as an idealised continuous territorial entity. The multidisciplinary research results will contribute significantly to the definition and perception of territories in Protohistory while interrogating the modern idealised vision of territory. SCATTER will embed archaeological data into wider discourses on change and resilience in landscapes.
Keywords: Landscape archaeology, Spatial analysis, Human-environment Interactions, Territory, Prehistoric Anatolia.
Swiss National Science Foundation