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Title: New geochronological and geoarchaeological evidence of human transformations of the Mediterranean landscape during the late Middle Holocene
Abstract: Multidisciplinary palaeoenvironmental research has highlighted profound changes in the vegetation and climate history of the Mediterranean region in the Middle Holocene. However, the human contribution to palaeoenvironmental change is most often inferred from indirect proxy evidence, associated with interpretative problems and a poor understanding of the natural and human processes involved. This work presents the first radiocarbon-dated geological evidence of human-driven environmental changes during the Holocene from the island of Sardinia, highlighting the potential of combining geochronology and geoarchaeology from on-site and off-site sedimentary archives. The new evidence from Sardinia shows geochronological correlations between settlement dynamics, geomorphological, and soil processes that expose correspondences and discrepancies between large-scale regional patterns across the Mediterranean basin and localised responses.