Conference Information
The conference Yangshao in the Past and Present showcases research on the Yangshao Culture from the disciplines of archaeology and cultural heritage, presented by speakers from the UK, China, Europe, and the USA. The Yangshao ‘Culture’, a remarkable middle Neolithic cultural complex in the Yellow River Valley lasting from 7000 to 4500 BP, provides a wealth of insightful details about the developments of Neolithic ways of life, including different pathways towards cultural and social complexity. With the many presentations from specialists researching different dimensions of the Yangshao, we hope the conference will generate not just interest but also retrospection and discussions.
The conference will be presented in English and Chinese, and will be fully accessible in both languages.
Dates: 11 - 13 December 2024
Location: Jesus College, Cambridge (in-person only)
Registration Information
Click here to register - 点击此处注册
Registration deadline: 8 November 2024
Day 1: Welcome and Keynotes
Wednesday, 11 December 2024, 1:30pm - 6:00pm
£20 waged / £10 student and unwaged
Day 2: Yangshao in the Past - Archaeology
Thursday, 12 December 2024, 9:00am - 5:30pm
£30 waged / £20 student and unwaged
Conference Dinner at the Eagle
Thursday, 12 December 2024, 7:00pm
£35 each
Day 3: Yangshao in the Present - Heritage
Friday, 13 December 2024, 9:00am - 5:30pm
£30 waged / £20 student and unwaged
Conference Excursion to Stonehenge
Sunday, 15 December 2024, 9:00am - 8:00pm
£72 each
English/Chinese PDF Version - 英文/中文 PDF 版本
English/Chinese PDF Version (Printer Friendly) - 英文/中文 PDF 版本(可打印)
Wednesday, 11 December 2024 (Day 1) – Welcome and Keynotes
Keynote: Marie Louise Stig Sørensen (University of Cambridge)
The Yangshao ‘Culture’ Past & Present– an Outsider View
Keynote: Hai Zhang (School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University)
Yangshao Culture and its impacts on Early China: subsistence, culture, population and society
Keynote: Martin Jones (University of Cambridge)
Arrows across the map: changing ideas about cultural connections in Eurasian prehistory
Keynote: Linfeng Wang (China Academy of Architectural Design Institute of Architectural History)
Past, Present, and Future of Yangshao Sites: Value attributes-based strategies for interpreting the heritage value of archaeological sites
Thursday, 12 December 2024 (Day 2) – Yangshao in the Past (Archaeology)
Session 1: Settlements & Social Organisation
Xingtao Wei (Henan Provincial Institute of Archaeology and Heritage)
Yangshao Culture and the Origin of Chinese Civilization
Wenquan Fan (Henan Provincial Institute of Archaeology and Heritage)
Discovery and Research of the Miaodigou Site
Zhaohui Cheng (Luoyang Municipal Institute of Archaeology)
Archaeological Discoveries and Harvests of the Suyang Site in Yiyang, Henan
Yuan Zheng (Shanxi Archaeological Museum, Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology)
New Archaeological Discoveries and Research on the Remains of Yangshao Culture in Shanxi, China
Li Liu (Stanford University)
Construction of Cultural Identity through Ritual Feasting in the Yangshao Culture: The Dispersal of Proto Sino-Tibetan Populations in Neolithic China
Tianjing Duan (School of Archaeology, Jilin University)
The Reveal of Early Yangshao Culture Era, Subsistence, and Settlements in the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River: A Case Study of the Shicun Site in Xia County, Shanxi
Jian Wei (Minzu University of China)
Lost Memory - Exploring the Origin of the Primitive Settlement Civilization in Miaozigou
Session 2: Material Culture and Art
Juncai Ma (Henan Provincial Institute of Archaeology and Heritage)
The Huangshan Site at Nanyang City, Henan Province, China — The earliest Jade Processing Base in the World
Anke Hein (University of Oxford)
Ceramic production in the Wei River Valley during the Neolithic: insights from ceramic petrography, chemical analysis, and ethnoarchaeology
Andrew Womack (Furman University)
Investigating the Yangshao to Majiayao Transition: Research with the J.G. Andersson Collections at the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm, Sweden
Session 3: Burials and Identities
Jian Zhang (School of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Zhengzhou University)
The Life and Death concepts of Yangshao People: From the Perspective of burials
Ligang Zhou (Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology)
The central Plains and the East: Trends of Cultural Exchange Reflected in Multiple Isotope Analysis of the Late Yangshao Human Remains
Keynote: Renxiang Wang (Institute of Archaeology, Graduate School of CASS)
Painted pottery with double spirals and linked double spirals patterns: the evolution from Miaodigou to Majiayao culture
Friday, 13 December 2024 (Day 3) – Yangshao in the Present (Heritage)
Session 4: Museums
Guohua Yang (University of Cambridge)
A History of Chinese Archaeological Museums: The early Exhibitions of the Yangshao Period
Miao Yang (University of Cambridge)
The Role of Provincial Museums in China in Shaping National Identity and Historical Consciousness
Sofia Bollo (University of Zurich)
Yangshao Culture: Museum Exhibitions and Reception in Contemporary China
Hongxing Yang (Sanmenxia Miaodigou Museum)
The Present Situation of the Miaodigou Museum
Si Han (Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities)
JGA 2.0 - Digitization and New Display Approach for Johan Gunnar Andersson's Collections at the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (MFEA)
Session 5: Public Engagement with the Past
Junting Lyu (University of Cambridge)
Yangshao Culture Heritage and Chinese Social Imaginaries: The Case of National Archaeological Site Parks
Ruohan Mao (Zhejiang University)
The Historical Development and Contemporary Features of Chinese Archaeological Site Museums
Keynote: Jizhong Hu (Dahecun Museum)
The Scale of Yangshao Culture on the banks of the Yellow River: Research, Protection, and Exhibition of the Dahecun Site in Zhengzhou
Session 6: Use of the Past
Shiting Lin (University of Cambridge)
Depreciation or Valorisation? The Formation and Effects of the Commercial Use of Yangshao Culture for Branding and Product Development
Shuanchao Yang (Yangshao Culture Research Centre, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Experimental Archaeological Research on Yangshao Painted Pottery Technology
Lizhi Zhang (Xi'an Museum Association)
The Awakened Prehistoric Village: A Reinterpretation of the Cultural Value of the Banpo Site
Keynote: Rouran Zhang (UNESCO)
Exploring Public Narratives on the Yangshao Culture: Insights from Social Media Perspectives