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Department of Archaeology



- BA in Archaeology, Peking University
Thesis: A Study on Han Dynasty Mortuary Model Pig Sties and Latrines
- Field Archaeologist (2018-2020)
Excavations and post-excavation research at bronze age and Joseon Dynasty settlements, burial sites in South Korea
- MA in Public Archaeology, UCL
Thesis: Examining the rhetoric of representation of Korean culture in European museums- Case studies: Musée Guimet and Volkenkunde Museum

- PhD Candidate in Heritage Studies (10. 2021 - present)
Thesis title: The Role of Museums in the Practice of Reconciliation: the Case of South Korea


My PhD thesis explores the role of museums in the process of reconciliation. I am using exhibitions on the Korean War in South Korea as case studies to study the impact of museums on how the present society negotiates its relationship with the conflicting past.

I use visual analysis methods (textual analysis, image analysis, object analysis) to explore the narrative construction and visual communications in museums.

Key Publications

Key publications: 

Robbeets, M., Bouckaert, R., Conte, M., Savelyev, A., Li, T., An, D.I., Shinoda, K.I., Cui, Y., Kawashima, T., Kim, G., Uchiyama, J., Dolińska, J., Oskolskaya, S., Yamano, K.-Y., Seguchi, N., Tomita, H., Takamiya, H., Kanzawa-Kiriyama, H., Oota, H., Ishida, H., Kimura, R., Sato, T., Kim, J.-H., Deng, B., Bjørn, R.. Rhee, S., Ahn, K.-D., Gruntov, I., Mazo, O., Bentley, J. R., Fernandes, R., Roberts, P., Bausch, I. R., Gilaizeau, L., Yoneda, M., Kugai, M., Bianco, R. A., Zhang, F., Himmel, M., Hudson, M. J.; Ning, C. (2021). Triangulation supports agricultural spread of the Transeurasian languages. Nature 599(7886), pp.616-621.

Tourigny, Eric, Sarah Newstead, Geonyoung Kim, Nelsys Fusco Zambetogliris, and Virginia Pereira Corvo. 2020. “Global Post-Medieval/Historical Archaeology: What’s Happening around the World 2020?” Post-Medieval Archaeology 54 (3): 371–82.

Robbeets, Martine, Mark Hudson, Chao Ning, Remco Bouckaert, Alexander Savelyev, Geonyoung Kim, Tao Li, Sofia Oskolskaya, Ilya Gruntov, and Olga Mazo. 2022. “Triangulation Reduces the Polygon of Error for the History of Transeurasian.” BioRxiv, 2010–22.

Other publications: 

Kim, G. (2024). ‘AAHG (Asia’s Archaeology and Heritage Group) hosts first event’, Cambridge Heritage Research Centre Bulletin, 5th March 2024, pp.3-4.

Teaching and Supervisions


TA: G24 Special Topics in Heritage Studies (2023-2024 Academic Year)

Research supervision: 

Supervisor: Dr Liliana Janik
Advisor: Dr Andreas Pantazatos

Other Professional Activities

- 2024 Cambridge Korean Studies Graduate Workshop (Organiser)
- ICOM UK Student and Emerging Professional Group (2022- present) (Co-organiser)
- Cambridge Asia’s Archaeology and Heritage Group (2023-2024) (Co-organiser)
- The fifth Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference (2022), (Committee member)
- Korean Researchers in the UK (2023, 2024) (Head of sub-committee)

Job Titles

PhD Student in Archaeology

General Info

Not available for consultancy
Research Expertise / Fields of study: 
Museum Studies
Cultural Heritage

Contact Details

gyk20 [at]


Heritage Studies
Geographical areas: 
East Asia