The spatiotemporal context of interest represents a specific geopolitical setting of the wide range of Roman-barbarian interactions stemming from their direct coexistence and bipolar arrangement of the two distinctive worlds. The low-lying regions north of the Middle Danube Limes inhabited the Germanic populations, attested through a large variety and abundance of archaeological and other recorded evidence. Most of the archaeological research in the region has been traditionally anchored within the cultural-historical paradigm, where somewhat limited attention was paid to quantitatively and spatiotemporally representative characteristics, such as palaeodemography, subsistence strategies, or the structure and scale of the political organization. The ongoing research project aims to fill some of the present gaps and build upon the unexploited potential of available data. The primary phase, oriented on collecting all the relevant spatial and attribute information, provides the basis for constructing various proxies for the Germanic chiefdom society's development trajectories and identifying potential drivers of changes and causal factors. Using various computational techniques (e.g. spatial analyses, aoristic weighting, modelling and simulation, network science), it aims to evaluate the interpretative potential of available data and validate some of the existing theoretical models and assumptions.
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