Patrimonialising the ‘mestizo gaze’: cultural heritage (patrimonio cultural), ‘race’, and gender in Mexico
Abeyami Ortega (University of Manchester)
In this talk, I introduce what I call “the visual system of mestizaje” and “the mestizo gaze” in relation to the production of a gendered, racialised national body politic in XXI century Mexico, and national cultural heritage (patrimonio cultural) imaginaries. The presentation will focus on how the visual system of mestizaje and the mestizo gaze shape hegemonic representational regimes about gender, Indigeneity, and geopolitical subjectivation in relation to processes of patrimonialisation at the intersections of national belonging and political (dis)enfranchisement.
This event has been rescheduled from Wednesday 22 November and is taking place online only, apologies for any inconvenience caused.
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