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Department of Archaeology


This page lists radiocarbon dates obtained for the sites of Umbro Neolithic, Umbro Bronze Age, Penitenzeria, and Sant'Aniceto. These dates may be cited freely; please cite this page as the source.

A few notes on the cultural sequence which emerges from our excavation, survey, and dates:

  • It is unclear whether there was a pre-Stentinello phase of Impressed Wares only, but if there was, it must have been brief and evanescent.
  • From perhaps 5700 BC through the second half of the fifth millennium BC -- a span of at least a millennium -- the basic assemblage contained a mixture of undecorated, Stentinello and Impressed wares.
  • Painted buff figulina wares (red-painted and Serra d'Alto) occur as a small minority in combination with Stentinello wares. At Penitenzeria and Umbro, they occur predominantly in the upper part of the Stentinello levels, suggesting a date of approximately 5200-5000 BC.
  • The transition from Stentinello to Diana wares is not absolutely dated, but based upon dates from Umbro (Umbro-13 and Umbro-4) which come from levels containing mostly Diana wares with some mixture of residual earlier Stentinello wares, it may have occurred as early as 4600-4700 BC.
  • After the Neolithic, the chronology has many lacunae; missing periods yet to be defined include most of the Copper Age, the earliest Bronze Age, and the Iron Age.

In questa pagina sono elencate le date radiometriche ottenute per i siti di Umbro – Sito Neolitico, Umbro – Sito dell'Età del Bronzo, Penitenzeria e Sant'Aniceto. Queste date sono a disposizione di tutti coloro che ne vogliano fare uso. Si prega di citare questa pagina come fonte dei dati.

Si riportano qui di seguito alcune osservazioni sulla sequenza culturale che emerge dai nostri scavi, con le relative date:

  • Non è chiaro se sia attestata una frequentazione pre-stentinelliana caratterizzata esclusivamente da Ceramica Impressa, frequentazione che in ogni caso dev'essere stata evanescente e di breve durata. Dal 5700 a.C. circa fino alla seconda metà del V millennio a.C. – un lasso di tempo di almeno un millennio – l'assemblaggio ceramico basilare è costituito da un insieme di ceramica non decorata e decorata, negli stili di Stentinello e Impressa.
  • Ceramica figulina dipinta in rosso e nello stile di Serra d'Alto è presente in piccole quantità in associazione con quella stentinelliana. A Penitenzeria e a Umbro queste ceramiche sono concentrate specialmente nella parte superiore dei livelli stentinelliani, a suggerire una data approssimativa di 5200-5000 a.C.
  • La transizione tra le fasi di Stentinello e Diana non ha una datazione assoluta. Tuttavia, due date di Umbro (Umbro-13 e Umbro-4) ottenute da campioni provenienti da livelli contenenti ceramica tipo Diana mista a poca ceramica residuale di tipo Stentinello suggeriscono che la transizione tra le due fasi potrebbe avere una datazione precoce, forse attorno al 4700-4600 a.C.
  • Dopo il Neolitico la cronologia ha diverse lacune. I periodi che devono ancora essere definiti con precisione comprendono la maggior parte dell'età del Rame, il Bronzo Antico e il Primo Ferro.


Bova Marina Archaeological Project radiocarbon dates

Sample Material Trench, square Level ID Uncalibrated Date Calibrated date* Notes
Umbro-5 Charcoal 1 (-8n/-36e) 250-260 cm (Stratum V) Beta-122939 6750 +/- 50 BP 5685 – 5565 BC AMS date; Early Neolithic (associated with Stentinello pottery)
Umbro-15 Charcoal 1 (-7n/-36e) 180-190 cm (top of Stratum III) Beta-135147 6620 +/- 60 BP 5660 – 5485 BC AMS date, Early Neolithic (associated with Stentinello pottery)
Umbro-2009-3 Carbonised grain 1 (-9n/-37e) 280-290 cm (Stratum V) OxA-23120 6526 +/- 34 BP 5604 -- 5383 BC Triticum and unidentified cereals
Umbro 2009-2a Carbonised grain 1 (-9n/-37e) 250-260 cm (Stratum IV) OxA-23118 6484 +/-33 BP 5511 -- 5370 BC Hordeum vulgare
Umbro 2009-1 Carbonised grain 1 (-9n/-37e) 210-220 cm (Stratum II/III) OxA-23117 6469 +/- 32 BP 5485 – 5367 BC Hordeum vulgare
Umbro 2009-2b Carbonised grain 1 (-9n/-37e) 250-260 cm (Stratum IV) OxA-23119 6452 +/- 35 BP 5482 – 5343 BC Hordeum vulgare
Umbro 2009-4 Carbonised grain 1 (-9n/-37e) 300-310 cm (Stratum V) OxA-23121 6448 +/- 30 5480 – 5360 BC Unidentified cereals
Umbro 2009-5 Carbonised grain 1 (-7n/-36e) 250-260 cm (Stratum V) OxA-23122 6432 +/- 33 5476 – 5339 BC Unidentified cereals
Penitenzeria 2003-4 Charcoal 4 (39e/47n) 170 cm (just above base of Stratum IV) Beta-181784 6410 +/- 40 BP 5475 -- 5310 BC AMS date; Middle Neolithic (associated with Stentinello pottery)
Penitenzeria 2002-3 Charcoal 4 (48n/40e) 148.5 cm (base of Stratum IV) Beta-169498 6340 +/- 40 BP 5380 -- 5280 BC AMS date; Middle Neolithic (associated with Stentinello pottery)
Penitenzeria 2003-5 Charcoal 4 (38e/47n) 187.5 cm (base of Stratum IV) Beta 181785 6340 +/- 40 BP 5375 -- 5270 BC AMS date; Middle Neolithic (associated with Stentinello pottery)
Penitenzeria 2002-7 Charcoal 4 (38e/48n) 113 cm (Stratum IV, near top) Beta-169499 6190 +/- 40 BP 5260 -- 5040 BC AMS date; Middle Neolithic (associated with Stentinello pottery)
Umbro-13 Charcoal 1 (-7n/-36e) 160-170 cm (Strata II/III) Beta-135146 5930 +/- 70 BP 4945 – 4615 BC AMS date, Middle Neolithic (associated with Stentinello and Diana pottery in mostly Diana levels)
Umbro-4 Charcoal 1 (-8n/-37e) 210-220 cm (Base Stratum III) Beta-122938 5790 +/- 50 BP 4780 – 4515 BC AMS date; Middle Neolithic (associated with Stentinello and Diana pottery in mostly Diana levels)
Umbro-3 Charcoal 1 (-8n/-37e) 181 cm, intrusive into Stratum III Beta-122937 4330 +/- 50 BP 3045 – 2880 BC AMS date; Copper Age
Umbro-23 Charcoal 1 (-9n/-38e) 310-320, intrusive into Stratum III Beta-147286 4150 +/- 40 BP 2880 -- 2580 BC AMS date; Copper Age
Umbro-19 Charcoal 6 (-60n/-6e) 60-70 (base of pot scatter upon cobbled surface) Beta-135150 3390 +/- 60 BP 1865 – 1520 BC AMS date; Early/Middle Bronze Age (associated with Rodì-Tindari-Vallelunga pottery)
Sant’Aniceto RC09-12 Charcoal T4 112e/105n Fill, context 458, depth -317 Beta 2900 +/- 40 BP 1250-1240 BC and 1220-980 BC Final Bronze Age
Sant’Aniceto RC09-12 Charcoal T4 112e/105n Associated with white clay floor material, context 461, depth -344 Beta 2880 +/- 40 BP 1210 – 970 BC and 960-940 BC Final Bronze Age
Sant’Aniceto 08-08 Charcoal T4 112e/104n Grey fill, context 433 Beta 2880 +/- 40 BP 1250-1240 BC and 1220-980 BC Final Bronze Age
Sant’Aniceto RC09-09 Charcoal T4 110e/107n Surface (outdoors?), context 455 in N extension, sealing top of wall at depth -99 Beta 2860 +/- 40 BP 1200-930 BC Final Bronze Age
Sant'Aniceto 1 Charcoal T4 113e/104n 90 cm; 404-405; surface below upper Bronze Age pot scatter Beta-233256 2830 +/- 40 BP 1120-910 BC Final Bronze Age
Sant'Aniceto 4 Bone Apse profile ashy feature fill at base of profile Beta-233258 2810 +/- 40 BP 1260-1000 BC Final Bronze Age
Sant'Aniceto 3 Charcoal T4 114e/105n 160 cm; 413; pit fill Beta-233257 960 +/- 50 BP 900-920 and 960-1160 AD Medieval

* calibrated date is 2 sigma, 95% probability range


© images and text copyright Bova Marina Archaeological Project 2011