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The Laboratory is housed in the Henry Wellcome building and includes facilities for the preparation and analysis of DNA and proteins as well as running of ELISA and other immuno assays.  The whole building has a Human Tissue Authority license for the storage of human tissues.

The Biomolecular Laboratory has three areas, a large outer laboratory for sample preparation, with smaller rooms for PCR prep and Post PCR work.  The general lab houses facilities for preparing samples for proteomic and immunological analysis and for downstream preparation of samples for DNA (proteomic and genomic analysis is conducted at the relevant core facility). Next to the main lab is a smaller dedicated facility, a Cat II containment lab containing a Class I biosafety hood. It also contains automated equipment for running DNA extraction kits. For the extraction and preparation of ancient protein and DNA samples, there is a dedicated clean lab which is housed on the ground floor of the Henry Wellcome Building and is accessed by a separate entrance.  

All areas within are under positive pressure and supplied with HEPA filter clean air to restrict possible contamination from the outside. There is an entrance area and a changing lobby for the donning of full PPE. The main preparation area contains a Class II (protects the operator and keeps the sample itself clean and uncontaminated) biosafety cabinet, where samples can be drilled using a bone drill, or prepared ahead of extraction. There are then 2 smaller preparation labs, containing Laminar Flow hoods (doesn't protect the operator but keeps the samples protected from contamination from the outside air) and other equipment. One is used for sample extraction and the other for DNA Library preparation.


Contact Us

Department of Archaeology
Henry Wellcome Building
Fitzwilliam Street
Cambridge  CB2 1QH

Director Prof Matthew Collins
Chief Technician Jo Osborn