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Department of Archaeology



My interests cover many aspects of human evolution, from the study of morphological evolution in the genus Homo, to human evolutionary history and dispersals, evolutionary genetics and adaptation in hunter-gatherers, the formation of population boundaries, and the evolution of diversity in technology and tools.


Current Projects PI(s) Collaborators Funding
In Africa: The Role of East Africa in the Evolution of Human Diversity M Mirazon Lahr R A Foley H Achyuthan J M Maillo Fernandez European Reseach Council
Trans-Sahara David Mattingly M Mirazon Lahr T O'Connell European Research Council
Tribes: Biology, Culture, Ecology & Population Boundaries M Mirazon Lahr D M Mukhongo A Muigai E Githui  
Past – eSources for Human Evolutionary Studies M Mirazon Lahr R A Foley F Lahr  
An evolutionary edge R A Foley M Mirazon Lahr Leverhulme Trust
Middle Stone Age Diversity R A Foley M Mirazon Lahr J M Maillo Fernandez  

Job Titles

Professor in Human Evolutionary Biology and Prehistory

General Info

Not available for consultancy

Contact Details

Henry Wellcome Building
Fitzwilliam Street
mbml1 [at]
01223 (7)64705


Biological Anthropology
Human Evolutionary Studies